• Big Power, Big Dish Set to be Active for 1296 MHz Moonbounce

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tue Oct 29 20:29:51 2019

    The Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy's 30-meter dish antenna will be active on 1296 MHZ EME until November 3 running an effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 10 megawatts on SSB, CW, and JT65 (the dish provides 50 dB of gain).

    Operation will focus on 1296.1 MHz. Operation schedule: October 30, 1615 - 2015 UTC; October 31, 1715 - 2115 UTC; November 1, 1800 - 2200 UTC; November 2, 1900 - 2300 UTC, and November 3, 1950 - 2350 UTC.�

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