• Net Change

    From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to All on Sun Mar 21 06:27:00 2021
    To better accomodate the Multimode Digital Voice Net, which meets every Saturday at 6pm Eastern, 5pm Central, 4pm Mountain, and 3pm Pacific on
    the QuadNet Array (go to https://openquad.net for connection options on
    D-Star, DMR, WIRES-X and Fusion), the monthly Food Net is CHANGING its
    time on the 3rd Saturday.

    Effective with the April 17, 2021 Net, the time for the Food Net on
    the QuadNet Array will be at 4pm Eastern, 3pm Central, 2pm Mountain,
    and 1pm Pacific, on the 3rd Saturday of the month. This will allow:

    1) The Multimode Digital Voice Net to not have to worry about "running
    long". This is a very informative net, and worth your while to check into.

    2) Those who have Saturday evening meal plans with family to enjoy those.

    3) Those who have Saturday evening nets to check into them more readily.

    4) Those who haven't been able to checkin before, a hopefully better time

    5) Yours truly to participate in another hobby, square dancing, that I do
    for cardiovascular exercise.

    H.A.M. stands for "Have Another Meal", and you don't call us "Late For Dinner" (hi hi). We discuss recipes, meals, cuisines, and anything food related.

    I have updated the Excel Net Spreadsheets and the Net Changes File at
    the hyperlink off of my bio on QRZ.

    Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, Maitre'D, The RF Digital Diner

    ... BAR CODE: Electronic device to help locate bars.
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