• Dayton Hamvention Announces Hamvention Weekend Activities

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thu Apr 1 03:30:46 2021

    Following its decision[1] earlier this year to cancel the in-person Dayton Hamvention[2]� in May, Hamvention has announced a series of 2021 Hamvention weekend activities, both virtual and on the air. These activities are getting underway with a virtual Contest University (CTU[3]) on Thursday, May 20, which will be a free event. Even non-contesters may find something to learn at CTU. Major sponsors include DX Engineering and Icom America. A list of instructors and presentations is still in the works and should be ready 30 days before the event.

    The 2021 Hamvention award winners will be featured in virtual forums on Friday, May 21. Participation links will be published about 30 days in advance on the Hamvention website. Several online prize drawings are planned, and winners must be present online. Presenters will be:

    o Hamvention Technical Achievement winner Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW, well known as the Space Weather Woman. Those who have seen her spaceweather forecasting show say she's full of energy and excited about her work - a real space pioneer.

    o Hamvention Special Achievement Award recipient Wesley Lamboley, W3WL, nominated by his peers for his lifetime of high-energy support for the science and art of amateur radio. Not only has he supported youth coaching, membership recruiting, and technical problem assistance, he always does it with a smile and great humor.

    o Hamvention Amateur of the Year Angel Vazquez, WP3R, known as one of the principal support engineers at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. His award recognizes his unswerving and diligent support of amateur radio throughout Puerto Rico and worldwide.

    o Hamvention Club of the Year, the Vienna Wireless Society (K4HTA), chosen for its 58 years of service to the amateur radio community. The club's 280 members focus on youth education, public service, and promoting the overall growth of radio throughout the DC area and around the world.

    Hamvention QSO Party

    Hamvention General Chairman Rick Allnutt, WS8G, has invited all radio amateurs to participate in a 12-hour, on-the-air special event, the Hamvention QSO Party[4]. This will take place from 1200 UTC on Saturday, May 22, to 0000 UTC on Sunday, May 23.

    "To get people in the spirit, the exchange will include the year that you first attended one of the Hamventions," Allnutt said in a video interview conducted by Tim Duffy, K3LR, for DX Engineering's YouTube channel. "If you haven't ever attended one, then you can use 2021 as the date."

    Sponsored by the ARRL-affiliated Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) since 1952, Hamvention is the largest annual in-person ham radio event in the US. QSO Party participants should look for W8BI, DARA's club station call sign, which will count for 10 bonus points per band and mode. The Hamvention website offers scoring details and explains how to print a certificate following the QSO Party.

    ARRL Maxim Memorial Station W1AW is planning to join the on-the-air Hamvention celebration. ARRL will also mark the occasion of the traditional Hamvention weekend with some special messages and promotions. Look for details[5] soon.

    On January 11, Hamvention announced[6] the cancellation of this year's in-person show for the second year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dayton Hamvention 2022 will take place May 20 - 22, 2022.�

    [1] http://www.arrl.org/news/dayton-hamvention-cancels-2021-show
    [2] http://www.hamvention.org/
    [3] https://contestuniversity.com/
    [4] https://hamvention.org/qso-party-2021/
    [5] http://www.arrl.org/arrl-at-home
    [6] http://www.arrl.org/news/dayton-hamvention-cancels-2021-show

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