• RAC Announces "Get on the Air on World Amateur Radio Day" Event

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Apr 14 02:02:11 2021

    Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC[1]) has announced the "Get on the Air on World Amateur Radio Day[2]" operating event. World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is observed each year on April 18, to celebrate the formation of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU[3]) on April 18, 1925.

    The object of the event is to contact as many RAC-suffix stations as possible. RAC official stations will operate across Canada from 0000 until 2359 UTC on April 18. The RAC official station call signs are VA2RAC, VA3RAC, VE1RAC, VE4RAC, VE5RAC, VE6RAC, VE7RAC, VE8RAC, VE9RAC, VO1RAC, VO2RAC, VY0RAC, VY1RAC, and VY2RAC.

    Stations contacting one or more of these stations will be eligible for a commemorative certificate. No logs are needed. From 0000 to 0500 UTC and again from 1200 to 1800 UTC, VA3RAC will be active in the Ontario QSO Party, sending the contest exchange. Stations contacting VA3RAC during those times are encouraged to send their contest exchange in return (state/province/country or Ontario county). - Thanks to RAC President Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA

    [1] http://www.rac.ca/
    [2] http://www.rac.ca/operating/world-amateur-radio-day-april-18/
    [3] http://www.iaru.org/

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