• Homebrew Heroes Award to be Managed by Ham Radio Workbench

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tue Jan 18 17:15:55 2022

    The ICQ Amateur/Ham Radio Podcast team has shifted ownership and management of the Homebrew Heroes Award[1] to the Ham Radio Workbench Podcast[2].

    "It makes better branding sense for their team to acquire and manage this awards program," said Frank Howell, K4FMH, of the ICQ Amateur/Ham Radio Podcast team. "Their episode-to-episode content clearly reflects the underlying principles of the Homebrew Heroes Award." (Howell detailed the change[3] in the January 2 ICQ Podcast.) George Zafiropoulos, KJ6VU, of the Ham Radio Workbench Podcast, said,

    "We plan to maintain the award into the future." Speaking on behalf of the Ham Radio Workbench Podcast, Rod Hardman VA3ON, said he was delighted to have a leadership role in the award program. "It's a perfect fit for what we are about," he said. The Homebrew Hero Award was the brainchild of Howell during the 2019 Dayton Hamvention�, which was the first time the ICQ Amateur/Ham Radio Podcast team had gathered in person. A few months later, the first award went to Hans Summers, G0UPL, of QRP Labs[4]. Howell said he'll maintain a connection to the award program as a sponsor. - Thanks to the ICQ Amateur/Ham Radio Podcast�

    [1] http://www.homebrewheroes.org/
    [2] http://hamradioworkbench.com/
    [3] https://www.icqpodcast.com/news/2022/1/2/homebrew-heroes-to-be-managed-by-the-ham-radio-workbench-podcast
    [4] http://www.qrp-labs.com/

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