The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has posted[1] an opening for an attorney-advisor in the Mobility Division of its Wireless Telecommunications Bureau in Washington, DC.
As a principal attorney with mid-to-senior level responsibilities, the individual's job duties would include working on policy, rulemaking, and legal issues; drafting Commission- and Bureau-level rulemaking and adjudication decisions, and reviewing proposed legislation, rulemakings, orders, and changes to regulations.
According to the FCC website, the Mobility Division is "responsible for developing policy and rules that facilitate rapid, widespread deployment of wireless communications services. Along with the Broadband Division, it oversees nearly 2 million licenses used to provide an array of wireless services. The Mobility Division helps carry out the [Broadband Personal Communications Service], to private land mobile used for dispatch and remote monitoring of equipment, to maritime and aviation, to personal use such as ham radio."
ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, has suggested that the position listing[2] be shared by ARRL members who know an attorney interested in communications law and who has an amateur license. "This non-supervisory position is at the top of the government pay scale. I would urge any amateur who is an attorney and has several years of experience to apply - especially if they are interested in wireless," Minster said. The deadline to apply for this opening is January 28, 2022.�
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