• Re: Issues Posting to Ad

    From codefenix@VERT/DCHAOTIC to MRO on Mon Dec 23 09:26:00 2024
    Yup, so maybe they shouldn't post it the same ad repeatedly. :-)

    Well that's sort of what people do in bbs ad msg subs.

    I can understand that doing it every day is pretty annoying and people shouldn't do THAT, but once a week or once a month is usually tollerated.

    I currently have two that I alternate between each week, plus a seasonal one for both Halloween and Christmas. This way I'm never posting the same thing
    each week, and I should add a couple more in 2025 to keep things fresh.

    I can see the duplication filter being helpful for dealing with daily, repetitive posts which would otherwise be drowning out unique weekly ones. :D

    |12 þ ú ú [ codefenix ú/ú dawnCHAOTIC ] ú þ þ
    |04 þ þ ú [ conchaos.synchro.net:2300 ] ú ú þ

    ... Condense soup, not books!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: dawnCHAOTIC: telnet://conchaos.synchro.net:2300
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to codefenix on Tue Dec 24 08:30:36 2024
    Re: Re: Issues Posting to Ad
    By: codefenix to MRO on Mon Dec 23 2024 09:26 am

    I currently have two that I alternate between each week, plus a seasonal one for both Halloween and Christmas. This way I'm never posting the same thing each week, and I should add a couple more in 2025 to keep things fresh.

    I can see the duplication filter being helpful for dealing with daily, repetitive posts which would otherwise be drowning out unique weekly ones. :D

    well it's all the same to me. it's a bbs ad. i think they have a better chance being visited if it shows up each time.

    that being said, i have seen some sysops who do ads every day and would not switch it to weekly or monthly.
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