• The Underground

    From The Godfather@VERT/CONCHAOS to SBL on Thu May 12 21:18:51 2022
    Name: The Underground
    Birth: 05/13/22
    Software: Mystic
    Sysop: The Godfather
    e-mail: the.godfather@conchaos.synchro.net
    Web-site: www.theunderground.us:10023
    Location: Chicago, IL
    Telnet: www.theunderground.us:10023
    Terminal: TTY
    Terminal: ANSI
    Nodes: 1
    Users: 1
    Desc: Highly customized, full of ANSI, and home of
    Desc: "Hire a Hit." Over 10,000 Audio Books from
    Desc: Alexandria Library, Thousands of BBS Filez,
    Desc: Lots of Games and Abandon Warez, conspiracy past
    Desc: to current, lots of filez. Araknet, ZEROnet, FSX

    "name": "The Underground",
    "sysop": [
    "name": "The Godfather",
    "email": "the.godfather@conchaos.synchro.net"
    "service": [
    "protocol": "telnet",
    "address": "www.theunderground.us:10023",
    "port": 23
    "terminal": {
    "nodes": 1,
    "types": [
    "network": [],
    "description": [
    "Highly customized, full of ANSI, and home of",
    "\"Hire a Hit.\" Over 10,000 Audio Books from",
    "Alexandria Library, Thousands of BBS Filez,",
    "Lots of Games and Abandon Warez, conspiracy past",
    "to current, lots of filez. Araknet, ZEROnet, FSX"
    "total": {
    "users": 1,
    "doors": 0,
    "dirs": 0,
    "subs": 0,
    "files": 0,
    "msgs": 0,
    "storage": 0
    "location": "Chicago, IL",
    "software": "Mystic",
    "web_site": "www.theunderground.us:10023",
    "first_online": "2022-05-13T00:28:29.852Z"
    --- sbbslist.js 1.66
    þ Synchronet þ -=[ conchaos.synchro.net | ConstructiveChaos BBS ]=-
  • From The Godfather@VERT/CONCHAOS to SBL on Tue Apr 4 12:36:12 2023
    Name: The Underground
    Birth: 04/04/23
    Software: Mystic
    Sysop: The Godfather
    e-mail: The.Godfather@conchaos.synchro.net
    Web-site: www.theunderground.us
    Location: Chicago, IL
    Telnet: www.theunderground.us:10023
    Terminal: TTY
    Terminal: ANSI
    Nodes: 1
    Users: 1
    Desc: Home of the hitman
    Desc: Tons of files
    Desc: Highly modded Mystic BBS
    Desc: 132x37 and 80x25 themes
    Desc: Would love to have all check it out!

    "name": "The Underground",
    "sysop": [
    "name": "The Godfather",
    "email": "The.Godfather@conchaos.synchro.net"
    "service": [
    "protocol": "telnet",
    "address": "www.theunderground.us:10023",
    "port": 23
    "terminal": {
    "nodes": 1,
    "types": [
    "network": [],
    "description": [
    "Home of the hitman",
    "Tons of files",
    "Highly modded Mystic BBS",
    "132x37 and 80x25 themes",
    "Would love to have all check it out!"
    "total": {
    "users": 1,
    "doors": 0,
    "dirs": 0,
    "subs": 0,
    "files": 0,
    "msgs": 0,
    "storage": 0
    "location": "Chicago, IL",
    "software": "Mystic",
    "web_site": "www.theunderground.us",
    "first_online": "2023-04-04T14:57:52.119Z"
    --- sbbslist.js 1.68
    þ Synchronet þ -=[ ConstructiveChaos BBS | conchaos.synchro.net ]=-