• The Insane Asylum

    From brokenmind@VERT/BGGRSCYN to SBL on Tue Nov 8 18:27:14 2022
    Name: The Insane Asylum
    Birth: 11/08/22
    Software: Synchronet
    Sysop: brokenmind
    e-mail: brokenmind@beggarscyn.com
    Web-site: http://tiabbs.synchro.net:8080
    Location: The Insane Asylum, BBS
    Telnet: tiabbs.synchro.net
    Terminal: TTY
    Terminal: ANSI
    Nodes: 1
    Users: 1
    Desc: Old School System with Warez and Doorz

    "name": "The Insane Asylum",
    "sysop": [
    "name": "brokenmind",
    "email": "brokenmind@beggarscyn.com"
    "service": [
    "protocol": "telnet",
    "address": "tiabbs.synchro.net",
    "port": 23
    "terminal": {
    "nodes": 1,
    "types": [
    "network": [],
    "description": [
    "Old School System with Warez and Doorz"
    "total": {
    "users": 1,
    "doors": 0,
    "dirs": 0,
    "subs": 0,
    "files": 0,
    "msgs": 0,
    "storage": 0
    "location": "The Insane Asylum, BBS",
    "software": "Synchronet",
    "web_site": "http://tiabbs.synchro.net:8080",
    "first_online": "2022-11-08T16:49:37.992Z"
    --- sbbslist.js 1.68
    þ Synchronet þ * Origin: Beggar's Canyon - beggarscyn.com *