• Stopping DUMB terminal access

    From Pilotcab@VERT/FBOBBS to All on Wed Sep 14 01:07:58 2022
    Hi all

    I know this is probably going to cause a few stains on the underwear of some people, but is it possible to
    just drop any connections that com ein as "dumb terminals" ??

    or maybe even those that don't receive telnet commands...

    BEFORE ANYONE ASKS....... yes i blocked the usual suspects... chicoms, ruscoms, et al but im still getting a few hits from over her ein the states etc.

    Any help appreciated

    � Synchronet � The FBO BBS - bbs.thefbo.us
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Pilotcab on Tue Sep 13 23:02:56 2022
    Re: Stopping DUMB terminal access
    By: Pilotcab to All on Tue Sep 13 2022 08:07 pm

    Hi all

    I know this is probably going to cause a few stains on the underwear of some people, but is it possible to
    just drop any connections that com ein as "dumb terminals" ??

    or maybe even those that don't receive telnet commands...

    BEFORE ANYONE ASKS....... yes i blocked the usual suspects... chicoms, ruscoms, et al but im still getting a few hits from over her ein the states etc.

    Any help appreciated

    Set [login] inactivity_hangup=1 in your ctrl/modopts.ini and dumb terminals will be disconnected in one second of inactivity.

    Or you could add a couple lines to your exec/login.js file:
    if(client.protocol == "Raw")
    digital man (rob)

    Sling Blade quote #10:
    Morris: I stand on the hill, not for thrill, but for the breath of a fresh kill Norco, CA WX: 79.7�F, 57.0% humidity, 10 mph SSE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Pilotcab@VERT/FBOBBS to Digital Man on Wed Sep 14 11:23:50 2022
    Re: Stopping DUMB terminal access
    By: Digital Man to Pilotcab on Tue Sep 13 2022 18:02:56

    Set [login] inactivity_hangup=1 in your ctrl/modopts.ini and dumb terminals will be disconnected in one second of

    This has helped a lot.

    Or you could add a couple lines to your exec/login.js file: if(client.protocol == "Raw")

    not sure where to put this :D i put it right after where it checks for ansi/petscii etc and would d/c right away, so right now i've put it in the block where it cuts the timeout. which seems to work.


    � Synchronet � The FBO BBS - bbs.thefbo.us
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to Digital Man on Thu Sep 15 13:11:00 2022

    Set [login] inactivity_hangup=1 in your ctrl/modopts.ini and dumb terminals will be disconnected in one second of inactivity.

    Or you could add a couple lines to your exec/login.js file:
    if(client.protocol == "Raw")

    Would it hurt to have both??


    ... I came out of the closet...only because it was dark in there.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Charles Blackburn@VERT/FBOBBS to Daryl Stout on Fri Sep 16 15:49:48 2022
    Re: Stopping DUMB terminal ac
    By: Daryl Stout to Digital Man on Thu Sep 15 2022 08:11:00

    Set [login] inactivity_hangup=1 in your ctrl/modopts.ini and dumb terminals will be disconnected in one second of inactivity.
    Or you could add a couple lines to your exec/login.js file:
    if(client.protocol == "Raw")

    Would it hurt to have both??
    i started with the first one and it effectively killed all the logins..

    now i have the second one after the bit where it changes the inactivity timeout:

    <line 29> log(LOG_NOTICE, "terminal not detected, reducing inactivity hang-up timeout to " + console.inactivity_hangup + " seconds");

    that way it changes it then dumps them... but i also finally added some GEO-IP blocks so it blocks most of them straight off, then the ones from the US get hung up on.

    Charles Blackburn
    SYSOP - The F.B.O BBS 21:1/221
    Aviation related fun @ bbs.thefbo.us IPV4 and IPV6
    Coming soon: FIDO-Net

    � Synchronet � The FBO BBS - bbs.thefbo.us - A place for aviation fun....
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Daryl Stout on Fri Sep 16 17:05:33 2022
    Re: Stopping DUMB terminal ac
    By: Daryl Stout to Digital Man on Thu Sep 15 2022 08:11 am


    Set [login] inactivity_hangup=1 in your ctrl/modopts.ini and dumb terminals will be disconnected in one second of inactivity.

    Or you could add a couple lines to your exec/login.js file:
    if(client.protocol == "Raw")

    Would it hurt to have both??

    I wouldn't make either change myself. I'm happy to serve legacy/retro clients that may not do ANSI or Telnet (e.g. C64 clients).
    digital man (rob)

    Sling Blade quote #17:
    Charles Bushman: A shovel just makes too goddamned much racket.
    Norco, CA WX: 77.0�F, 59.0% humidity, 3 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Pilotcab on Sat Sep 17 00:04:27 2022
    Re: Stopping DUMB terminal access
    By: Pilotcab to All on Tue Sep 13 2022 08:07 pm

    I know this is probably going to cause a few stains on the underwear of some people, but is it possible to just drop any connections that com ein as "dumb terminals" ??

    Figured I'd chime in here.

    I've had a few users that love their "retro" gear (amigas, commodores, custom "8088" emulators, etc.), and some of them wind up connecting as "RAW". So you could possibly dump legitimate users by hanging up on any dumb terminals.


    ... Modesty is a vastly overrated virtue.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to Digital Man on Sun Sep 18 00:44:00 2022

    Would it hurt to have both??

    I wouldn't make either change myself. I'm happy to serve legacy/retro clients that may not do ANSI or Telnet (e.g. C64 clients). --

    OK, I can remove them...right now, I am limiting max concurrent
    connections to 1, but if they don't get past Lord Blackfair's
    CAPTCHA, they won't get in.


    ... What if someone's real name is a psuedonym??
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Charles Blackburn@VERT/FBOBBS to Daryl Stout on Sun Sep 18 13:02:06 2022
    Re: Stopping DUMB terminal ac
    By: Daryl Stout to Digital Man on Sat Sep 17 2022 19:44:00

    I wouldn't make either change myself. I'm happy to serve legacy/retro clients that may not do ANSI or Telnet (e.g. C64
    clients). --
    that is a good point and one i never thought of (not that anyone but me "calls" my bbs anyway :D).

    OK, I can remove them...right now, I am limiting max concurrent connections to 1, but if they don't get past Lord Blackfair's
    CAPTCHA, they won't get in.

    I went back to another way of doing it and just geoblocking the countries in iptables.

    I still get a couple through from the US, but the persistant ones i just manually block :D

    Charles Blackburn
    SYSOP - The F.B.O BBS 21:1/221
    Aviation related fun @ bbs.thefbo.us IPV4 and IPV6
    Coming soon: FIDO-Net

    � Synchronet � The FBO BBS - bbs.thefbo.us - A place for aviation fun....