• ANSI Screen Applications

    From Xofraq@VERT/MICROBUR to All on Thu Aug 29 13:42:40 2024
    Hi All,

    What is your favotite ANSI screen creator?

    I used TheDraw for my RA BBS back in 94. I am not very artistic and always amazed at the cool art people create! I have installed TheDraw once again but wondering what you all like to use, and any tips you may have. (-:


    þ Synchronet þ MicroBurst II BBS - 30 Years Later
  • From Dan Clough@VERT to Xofraq on Thu Aug 29 19:24:00 2024
    Xofraq wrote to All <=-

    What is your favotite ANSI screen creator?

    I used TheDraw for my RA BBS back in 94. I am not very artistic and
    always amazed at the cool art people create! I have installed TheDraw
    once again but wondering what you all like to use, and any tips you may have. (-:

    I still use TheDraw.

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  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Xofraq on Thu Aug 29 17:18:40 2024
    Re: ANSI Screen Applications
    By: Xofraq to All on Thu Aug 29 2024 01:42 pm

    What is your favotite ANSI screen creator?

    I used TheDraw for my RA BBS back in 94. I am not very artistic and always amazed at the cool art people create! I have installed TheDraw once again but wondering what you all like to use, and any tips you may have. (-:

    I still think TheDraw is a good ANSI editor, even though you'd need a DOS emulator to use it these days. But other than that, on Windows I've used PabloDraw and TundraDraw (of those 2, I think I prefer PabloDraw), and I've also used Moebius on Linux, which I think is decent.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Xofraq on Thu Aug 29 21:17:16 2024
    Re: ANSI Screen Applications
    By: Xofraq to All on Thu Aug 29 2024 13:42:40

    What is your favotite ANSI screen creator?

    I used TheDraw for my RA BBS back in 94. I am not very artistic and always amazed at the cool art people create! I have installed TheDraw once again bu > wondering what you all like to use, and any tips you may have. (-:

    TheDraw used to be my favorite until I started using SyncDraw. I have now started using syncdraw fulltime, it can be compiled for linux and does all thatThdraw does plus more. Give it a try. it has a little bit of a learning curve
    at the beginning for those who are used to Thedraw. But worth the time.

    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From phigan@VERT/TACOPRON to Xofraq on Fri Aug 30 09:14:12 2024
    Re: ANSI Screen Applications
    By: Xofraq to All on Thu Aug 29 2024 01:42 pm

    What is your favotite ANSI screen creator?

    TheDraw is pretty great, and I think there's even an opensource recreation, but I have not tried to see if it's the same as the original. PabloDraw is fairly popular and I may have used that once.. but I mostly use Moebius. There is someone's fork of it that I've been meaning to try, too. The defaults in Moebius are annoying, but you can get used to saving without the extra garbage metadata it adds and whatnot.

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  • From Mike Powell@VERT/CAPCITY2 to XOFRAQ on Fri Aug 30 10:39:00 2024
    What is your favotite ANSI screen creator?

    I used TheDraw for my RA BBS back in 94. I am not very artistic and always amazed at the cool art people create! I have installed TheDraw once again but wondering what you all like to use, and any tips you may have. (-:

    I still use TheDraw. I have tried a couple of other, newer ones that are
    linux native and just couldn't get the hang of them.

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  • From Martin Kazmaier@VERT to Xofraq on Sat Aug 31 19:22:00 2024
    Hi All,

    What is your favotite ANSI screen creator?

    I used TheDraw for my RA BBS back in 94. I am not very artistic and always amazed at the cool art people create! I have installed TheDraw once again but wondering what you all like to use, and any tips you may have. (-:

    I find AcidDraw to be a little superior, supports SAUCE (and it's removal), drags things around the screen more fluidly and supports more than 25 lines.

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