• Out of sync Events

    From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to All on Tue Oct 1 22:00:21 2024
    Ok, here is a strange one..

    I have my 16bit door maint setup to run at 0145 every day, noticed it ran at 2145 tonight..

    synchronet 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP [] Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net
    synchronet 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP [] Connection accepted on port 11 from port 54194
    synchronet 9:45 PM evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT synchronet 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP [] JavaScript service thread terminated (1 clients remain, 21 total, 945 served)
    synchronet 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP [] Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net

    Any idea whats up with that??

    It's not running late either, it's running early because on the terminal output window it showed the date as 10/2. Here is Log entry Info:

    evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT

    Oct 2 01:45:40
    ./sbbs unsbbs ugsbbs syslog
    /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-dbus\x2d:1.2\x2 dorg.gnome.Console.slice/vte-spawn-8567f468-c65f-4b65-957e-098308a2523f.scope _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID
    s=23d599b81f974f51971f77baee16be3e;i=5cb2bb;b=56d7703cdf5e435fa99948983a510 72d;m=a102e42c6;t=62374986730b2;x=70f98e7689737f5c

    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to kk4qbn on Wed Oct 2 12:57:49 2024
    On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 22:00:21 -0400
    "kk4qbn" (VERT/KK4QBN) <VERT/KK4QBN!kk4qbn@endofthelinebbs.com> wrote:

    Ok, here is a strange one..

    I have my 16bit door maint setup to run at 0145 every day, noticed it
    ran at 2145 tonight..

    synchronet 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP [] Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net
    synchronet 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP []
    Connection accepted on port 11 from port 54194
    synchronet 9:45 PM evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event:
    DOORMAINT synchronet 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP [] JavaScript service thread terminated (1 clients remain, 21 total, 945
    served) synchronet 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP []
    Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net

    Any idea whats up with that??

    It's not running late either, it's running early because on the
    terminal output window it showed the date as 10/2. Here is Log entry

    evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT

    Do you have "Exclusive Execution" set to yes or something like that?
    Maybe you can post your scfg settings for the timed events and I can
    compare to mine.

    Actually, this is mine if you want to compare.

    [DOSMAINT Timed Event]
    1: Internal Code DOSMAINT
    2: Start-up Directory ../xtrn/dosutils
    3: Command Line maint.bat
    4: Enabled Yes
    5: Execution Node Any
    6: Execution Months Any
    7: Execution Days of Month Any
    8: Execution Days of Week All
    9: Execution Time 00:00
    10: Requires Exclusive Exec No
    11: Force Users Off-line No
    12: Native Executable/Script No
    13: Use Shell or New Context No
    14: Background Execution No
    15: Always Run After (re)Init No
    16: Error Log Level Debug

    As you can probably tell, this will run the bat script until dosemu
    rather than calling a linux script that calls dosemu for each game that requires maintenance.
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to nelgin on Wed Oct 2 14:35:00 2024
    nelgin wrote to kk4qbn <=-

    Ok, here is a strange one..

    I have my 16bit door maint setup to run at 0145 every day, noticed it
    ran at 2145 tonight..

    synchronet 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP [] Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net
    synchronet 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP []
    Connection accepted on port 11 from port 54194
    synchronet 9:45 PM evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event:
    DOORMAINT synchronet 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP [] JavaScript service thread terminated (1 clients remain, 21 total, 945 served) synchronet 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP [] Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net

    Any idea whats up with that??

    It's not running late either, it's running early because on the
    terminal output window it showed the date as 10/2. Here is Log entry

    evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT

    Do you have "Exclusive Execution" set to yes or something like that?
    Maybe you can post your scfg settings for the timed events and I can compare to mine.

    Actually, this is mine if you want to compare.

    [DOSMAINT Timed Event]
    1: Internal Code DOSMAINT
    2: Start-up Directory ../xtrn/dosutils
    3: Command Line maint.bat
    4: Enabled Yes
    5: Execution Node Any
    6: Execution Months Any
    7: Execution Days of Month Any
    8: Execution Days of Week All
    9: Execution Time 00:00
    10: Requires Exclusive Exec No
    11: Force Users Off-line No
    12: Native Executable/Script No
    13: Use Shell or New Context No
    14: Background Execution No
    15: Always Run After (re)Init No
    16: Error Log Level Debug

    As you can probably tell, this will run the bat script until dosemu
    rather than calling a linux script that calls dosemu for each game that requires maintenance.

    I am also struggling with this (maint for dos doors) a bit... Would
    you mind posting your 'maint.bat' file also (or at least a bit of it)?

    Also, was the word "until" in your paragraph above a typo? Should that
    be "within" or something? Trying to understand the flow of things.


    ... Internal Error: The system has been taken over by sheep at line 19960
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to nelgin on Wed Oct 2 17:00:44 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: nelgin to kk4qbn on Wed Oct 02 2024 12:57:49

    Do you have "Exclusive Execution" set to yes or something like that? Maybe you can post your scfg settings for the timed events and I can compare to mine.

    Nope, It's set to no, would'nt that just force everyone off to run the event though if it was set to yes??

    Actually, this is mine if you want to compare.

    [DOSMAINT Timed Event]
    1: Internal Code DOSMAINT
    2: Start-up Directory ../xtrn/dosutils 3: Command Line
    4: Enabled Yes
    5: Execution Node Any
    6: Execution Months Any
    7: Execution Days of Month Any
    8: Execution Days of Week All
    9: Execution Time 00:00
    10: Requires Exclusive Exec No
    11: Force Users Off-line No
    12: Native Executable/Script No
    13: Use Shell or New Context No
    14: Background Execution No
    15: Always Run After (re)Init No
    16: Error Log Level Debug

    I do beleive mine is exactly the same.. or close.

    ³Internal Code DOORMAINT
    ³Start-up Directory /sbbs/xtrn/maint
    ³Command Line maint.bat
    ³Enabled Yes
    ³Execution Node Any
    ³Execution Months Any
    ³Execution Days of Month Any
    ³Execution Days of Week All
    ³Execution Time 01:00
    ³Requires Exclusive Exec No
    ³Force Users Off-line Yes
    ³Native Executable/Script No
    ³Use Shell or New Context Yes
    ³Background Execution No
    ³Always Run After (re)Init No
    ³Error Log Level Notice

    and I see I have it set to 0100 not 0145.. definatly not 2145 the day before :)

    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Gamgee on Wed Oct 2 17:08:55 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Gamgee to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 14:35:00

    I am also struggling with this (maint for dos doors) a bit... Would you mind posting your 'maint.bat' file also (or at least a bit of it)?

    I run dosemu and I think you guys use dosemu2, dont know for sure, but here are some of the games out of my maint.bat "which runs well, if on time :-)"

    echo foodfite >>e:\maint\maint.log
    time /T >>e:\maint\maint.log
    chdir ..\ff
    ffbull.exe foodfite.cfg
    chdir ..\maint

    REM freshwater fishing
    echo freshwater fishing >>e:\maint\maint.log
    time /T >>e:\maint\maint.log
    chdir ..\ffs
    chdir ..\maint

    REM avatars screaming steel
    echo avatars screaming steel >>e:\maint\maint.log
    time /T >>e:\maint\maint.log
    chdir ..\aoss
    chdir ..\maint
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to nelgin on Wed Oct 2 17:10:40 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 17:00:44

    13: Use Shell or New Context No

    I see I have that set to YES on mine, I'll change that and see what happens tonight..
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Dan Clough@VERT to kk4qbn on Wed Oct 2 16:57:00 2024
    kk4qbn wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Gamgee to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 14:35:00

    I am also struggling with this (maint for dos doors) a bit... Would you mind posting your 'maint.bat' file also (or at least a bit of it)?

    I run dosemu and I think you guys use dosemu2, dont know for sure, but here are some of the games out of my maint.bat "which runs well, if on time :-)"

    echo foodfite >>e:\maint\maint.log
    time /T >>e:\maint\maint.log
    chdir ..\ff
    ffbull.exe foodfite.cfg
    chdir ..\maint

    I'm also running original dosemu... Will experiment with this a bit
    when I get some time.


    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:135/115)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to Gamgee on Wed Oct 2 21:51:50 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Gamgee to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 14:35:00

    Also, was the word "until" in your paragraph above a typo? Should that
    be "within" or something? Trying to understand the flow of things.

    Probably. That happens when I'm multitasking and I hear a word someone is saying or in some music and just write that instead of what I'm thinking :)

    my maint.bat is nothing special, just whatever the game wants

    cd \tw2002
    extern MULTITASK=NO
    cd \shuffle
    shufword shuffle.cfg /E
    cd \godcrime
    cd \arcesc
    cd \yankee
    cd \wheel
    cd \crypto
    cd \trivia
    trivmant trivia.cfg /event=y
    cd \legends
    cd \colonies
    cd \gangland
    cd \pentasim
    cd \lis
    cd \rocktriv
    cd \hexxwars
    cd \4corners
    4CORNMNT.EXE 4 5
    cd \camptown
    cd \yank
    maint.exe /pg /l

    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to kk4qbn on Wed Oct 2 21:57:32 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 17:00:44

    Nope, It's set to no, would'nt that just force everyone off to run the event though if it was set to yes??

    Possibly, unless the sysop is on, I think it gives you like an hour and a half.

    Aug 4 06:32:50 bbs synchronet: evnt MSGMAINT Waiting for node 1 (status=3)
    Aug 4 06:33:00 bbs synchronet: evnt MSGMAINT Waiting for node 1 (status=3)
    Aug 4 06:33:10 bbs synchronet: evnt MSGMAINT Waiting for node 1 (status=3)
    Aug 4 06:33:10 bbs synchronet: evnt MSGMAINT !TIRED of waiting for node 1 to become inactive (status=3), closing socket 27

    But you'd also know about it. I'm not sure if that value is configurable or not. It was just a thought.

    You do have your set to log users off. What if you turn of that off for testing?

    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to kk4qbn on Thu Oct 3 00:13:12 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to All on Tue Oct 01 2024 10:00 pm

    Ok, here is a strange one..

    I have my 16bit door maint setup to run at 0145 every day, noticed it ran at 2145 tonight..

    synchronet 9:45 PM evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT

    Any idea whats up with that??

    It's not running late either, it's running early because on the terminal output window it showed the date as 10/2. Here is Log entry Info:

    evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT

    Oct 2 01:45:40

    That time seems to be the expected time. Maybe whatever is formatting that time for the log text isn't accounting for timezone offset?
    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #49:
    Some will sell their dreams for small desires or lose the race to rats
    Norco, CA WX: 74.0øF, 61.0% humidity, 0 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to nelgin on Thu Oct 3 07:24:25 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: nelgin to kk4qbn on Wed Oct 02 2024 21:57:32

    You do have your set to log users off. What if you turn of that off for testing?

    Yeah, I did hange that, it appears it ran exactly on time this morning, I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Digital Man on Thu Oct 3 07:40:16 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Digital Man to kk4qbn on Thu Oct 03 2024 00:13:12

    That time seems to be the expected time. Maybe whatever is formatting that time for the log text isn't accounting for timezone offset?

    Why would it run it early though? If the expected time was 10/2 at 0100
    (I had errantly posted that I had it configured for 0145 because of that)

    I dunno, maybe it was a missed event or something, but that was the only thing that ran at that time, and on the terminal server output it showed just like
    it was that time and date, it went from 10/1 945pm to 10/2 0145, and I watched the event run, then it went back to the time it was supposed to be..

    I either warped to the future, or I'm tripping or something (no that was a joke)

    If something was stuck with the bbs (happens sometimes) and the event was running late it would say that it was the next days event would it?

    I'm going to see if I can dig up the terminal server output somewhere, because yea i'ts not showing correctly on the cockpit formatted logs.
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to nelgin on Thu Oct 3 07:53:00 2024
    nelgin wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Gamgee to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 14:35:00

    Also, was the word "until" in your paragraph above a typo? Should that
    be "within" or something? Trying to understand the flow of things.

    Probably. That happens when I'm multitasking and I hear a word someone
    is saying or in some music and just write that instead of what I'm thinking :)

    my maint.bat is nothing special, just whatever the game wants

    cd \tw2002
    extern MULTITASK=NO
    cd \shuffle
    shufword shuffle.cfg /E


    Okay, cool. Thank you.

    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Digital Man@VERT to kk4qbn on Thu Oct 3 16:17:21 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to Digital Man on Thu Oct 03 2024 07:40 am

    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Digital Man to kk4qbn on Thu Oct 03 2024 00:13:12

    That time seems to be the expected time. Maybe whatever is formatting that time for the log text isn't accounting for timezone offset?

    Why would it run it early though? If the expected time was 10/2 at 0100
    (I had errantly posted that I had it configured for 0145 because of that

    If it ran at 0145 instead of 0100, that would be *late* not early. Why would it? Because another event was running possibly.

    If something was stuck with the bbs (happens sometimes) and the event was running late it would say that it was the next days event would it?

    I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

    I'm going to see if I can dig up the terminal server output somewhere, because yea i'ts not showing correctly on the cockpit formatted logs.

    Okay, good luck!
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet "Real Fact" #49:
    Synchronet program was named 'sbbs' instead of 'sync' to avoid conflict w/Unix Norco, CA WX: 92.6øF, 36.0% humidity, 2 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Digital Man on Thu Oct 3 17:26:14 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Digital Man to kk4qbn on Thu Oct 03 2024 04:17 pm

    If something was stuck with the bbs (happens sometimes) and the event was
    running late it would say that it was the next days event would it?

    I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

    I think he might be referring to exclusive events that get stuck and don't finish, which could push other events to run later than they normally are configured to run.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Digital Man on Thu Oct 3 20:49:28 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to Digital Man on Thu Oct 03 2024 07:40 am

    If it ran at 0145 instead of 0100, that would be *late* not early. Why would it? Because another event was running possibly.

    It did'nt run at 0145, it ran at 2145, the day before.

    at 945pm on 10/1 the event ran and it showed 10/2 as the date. on the terminal service window. it does'nt show the date change on the copilot formatted logs though.
    But this is how the terminal services window looked when it ran other then scrolling from up to down instead of down/up

    10/01 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP [] Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net
    10/01 9:46 PM srvc 0219 ActiveUser-UDP [] Connection accepted on port 11 from port 54194
    10/02 9:45 PM evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT
    10/01 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP [] JavaScript service thread terminated (1 clients remain, 21 total, 945 served)
    10/01 9:45 PM srvc 0218 ActiveUser-UDP [] Hostname: h88.248.136.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net

    I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

    I'm afraid now that it is logging through syslog I cannot get the log formatted like it was on the terminal service.. either way it appeared as if it was running a future event instead of running it late, that is what I was referring to. it really does'nt matter, It just looked off to me, probably operator error.. some way..

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to All on Thu Oct 3 21:16:26 2024
    This is the Journal entry for that event, and the terminal window did show 10/2 Check the Syslog Timestamp, and notice when the entry was made


    Entry at Oct 1, 2024, 9:45:40 PM

    evnt DOORMAINT Running 16-bit DOS timed event: DOORMAINT

    Oct 2 01:45:40 <---------------------
    ./sbbs unsbbs ugsbbs syslog

    I mean, It really does'nt matter, I just knew I wasn't tripping when it started running but it was running for 10/2, not 10/1 but it was 0945pm 10/1

    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net

    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Nightfox on Thu Oct 3 21:33:53 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Thu Oct 03 2024 05:26 pm

    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Digital Man to kk4qbn on Thu Oct 03 2024 04:17 pm

    If something was stuck with the bbs (happens sometimes) and the event was
    running late it would say that it was the next days event would it?

    I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

    I think he might be referring to exclusive events that get stuck and don't finish, which could push other events to run later than they normally are configured to run.

    But there's nothing that says it's the "next days event" that I'm aware of. That's the part I'm referring to which I don't know what he's talking about.
    digital man (rob)

    Breaking Bad quote #8:
    I want Shania Twain to give me a tuggy. Guess what? That ain't happening either Norco, CA WX: 71.3øF, 72.0% humidity, 0 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to kk4qbn on Thu Oct 3 21:35:28 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to Digital Man on Thu Oct 03 2024 08:49 pm

    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to Digital Man on Thu Oct 03 2024 07:40 am

    If it ran at 0145 instead of 0100, that would be *late* not early. Why would it? Because another event was running possibly.

    It did'nt run at 0145, it ran at 2145, the day before.

    Not accoding to the syslog details that pasted here.

    I'm afraid now that it is logging through syslog I cannot get the log formatted like it was on the terminal service.. either way it appeared as if it was running a future event instead of running it late, that is what I was referring to. it really does'nt matter, It just looked off to me, probably operator error.. some way..

    Okay, let me know if you continue to have a problem.
    digital man (rob)

    Sling Blade quote #23:
    Karl: I reckon I'm gonna have to get used to looking at pretty people.
    Norco, CA WX: 71.3øF, 72.0% humidity, 0 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 4 00:45:48 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to Digital Man on Thu Oct 03 2024 20:49:28

    I'm afraid now that it is logging through syslog I cannot get the log formatted like it was on the terminal service.. either way it appeared as if it was running a future event instead of running it late, that is what I was referring to. it really does'nt matter, It just looked off to me, probably operator error.. some way..

    Random, odd, unexplainable stuff happens from time to time and it's annoying, especially when you know it happened but you cannot get it to happen again and it just doesn't make sense.

    I have a rsyslog.d config file that helps split logs for each function of the bbs into a separate file, such as mail, ftp, web, term, events, services, and "other stuff" I can dig out. It might be a good start to format the logs how you want them, it also helps debugging because you're not trying to look through one big log.

    No sure if your copilot stuff does that, never used it, but if it's of interest I'll dig it out.

    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to nelgin on Fri Oct 4 03:53:59 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: nelgin to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 04 2024 00:45:48

    I'm afraid now that it is logging through syslog I cannot get the log
    formatted like it was on the terminal service.. either way it appeared as
    if it was running a future event instead of running it late, that is what I
    Random, odd, unexplainable stuff happens from time to time and it's annoying, especially when you know it happened but you cannot get it to happen again and it just doesn't make sense.

    Thats true, It does..

    I have a rsyslog.d config file that helps split logs for each function of the bbs into a separate file, such as mail, ftp, web, term, events, services, and "other stuff" I can dig out. It might be a good start to format the logs how you want them, it also helps debugging because you're not trying to look through one big log.

    Yes, that could be some help, I mean sbbs technically "Should" be writing to /var/log/sbbs.log but there's nothing there. and I cannot find where cockpit has it saved, I presume it's grabbing it straight from the log stream and saving it somewhere.

    I have no idea why it's not saving ANY logfile to /var/log. it *should* be. So yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could dig them up when you get the time.

    There are some differences in the way manjaro does some of its stuff, but not too much to where it should create an issue.. it would at least help me to figure out whats up with it.

    I have a hard time actually trying to speak what I mean when explaining stuff, and when tecnical issues come up, like term windows not allowing copy/paste it mmakes it worse :-)
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 4 07:43:00 2024
    kk4qbn wrote to All <=-

    I mean, It really does'nt matter, I just knew I wasn't tripping when it started running but it was running for 10/2, not 10/1 but it was 0945pm 10/1

    Could it just be that the BBS machine's time (or TIME ZONE) is set
    wrong? Sometimes the easiest answer is the correct one... ;-)

    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 4 07:49:00 2024
    kk4qbn wrote to nelgin <=-

    Yes, that could be some help, I mean sbbs technically "Should" be
    writing to /var/log/sbbs.log but there's nothing there. and I cannot
    find where cockpit has it saved, I presume it's grabbing it straight
    from the log stream and saving it somewhere.

    I have no idea why it's not saving ANY logfile to /var/log. it *should* be. So yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could dig them up when you get
    the time.

    I'm not certain that SBBS will log to /var/log/sbbs.log by default. I
    had to modify my /etc/syslog.conf to make it do that.

    This is documented here: https://wiki.synchro.net/config:nix#logging

    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 4 12:38:23 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to nelgin on Fri Oct 04 2024 03:53:59

    I have no idea why it's not saving ANY logfile to /var/log. it *should* be. So yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could dig them up when you get the time.

    Maybe this would explain it?


    Maybe syslogd isn't installed/running?


    This explains what I did to get separate log files, but you may have to get syslogd working first. This works OK on Ubuntu.

    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Gamgee on Fri Oct 4 20:01:59 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 04 2024 07:43:00

    I mean, It really does'nt matter, I just knew I wasn't tripping when it
    started running but it was running for 10/2, not 10/1 but it was 0945pm

    Could it just be that the BBS machine's time (or TIME ZONE) is set wrong? Sometimes the easiest answer is the correct one... ;-)

    That could be a possiblily there is a 4 hour difference there, But it would have had to jump from edt to pdt in a total of a just a couple seconds then jump back because that is how quick it happened.. ghost in the machine or more than likely just user error that I have'nt found yet.. It has been running at 0100 every morning just like it suppose to every morning.. but that one night it just decided that at 2145 the time was 0145 the next day and that it hasnt ran door maint yet, so it ran it, then went back to 2145.. <shrug>
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Gamgee on Fri Oct 4 20:03:32 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 04 2024 07:49:00

    I have no idea why it's not saving ANY logfile to /var/log. it *should*
    be. So yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could dig them up when you get the

    I'm not certain that SBBS will log to /var/log/sbbs.log by default. I had to modify my /etc/syslog.conf to make it do that.

    No, it does'nt and I have modified syslog.conf, then touched /var/log/sbbs.log with the correct permissions, rebooted.. still no go..

    This is documented here: https://wiki.synchro.net/config:nix#logging

    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to nelgin on Fri Oct 4 20:09:59 2024
    Re: Out of sync Events
    By: nelgin to kk4qbn on Fri Oct 04 2024 12:38:23

    Maybe this would explain it?

    Yep, explains it all.. should have known that.. and good to know for the future, will be a waste of time to expend anymore time to this lol.. it is working, it's been running maint every morning from what I can see, just that one time it ran out of place and it was just strange..

    Maybe syslogd isn't installed/running?

    Thats correct, and I knew it used the journal but it really did'nt hit me at the time, I'm used to mostly debian based distros, so I'm still learning.
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Grease@VERT/DARKMATT to kk4qbn on Mon Oct 28 17:04:32 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 05:00 pm

    and I see I have it set to 0100 not 0145.. definatly not 2145 the day before :)

    Just shotgunning, but daylight saving time in/off?
    Software time and Bios time different?

    I've had issues with that on other stuff.



    ...If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.

    þ Synchronet þ Dark Matter BBS. This tagline is umop apisdn.
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Grease on Tue Oct 29 08:53:23 2024
    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: Grease to kk4qbn on Mon Oct 28 2024 17:04:32

    Re: Re: Out of sync Events
    By: kk4qbn to nelgin on Wed Oct 02 2024 05:00 pm

    and I see I have it set to 0100 not 0145.. definatly not 2145 the day
    before :)

    Just shotgunning, but daylight saving time in/off? Software time and Bios time different?

    This was many moons ago, but went through all of that.. I cannot remember wht the outcome was, it hasnt happened again thats all that matters.
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA