• can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?

    From Paulie420@VERT/PAULIE42 to All on Sun May 3 03:14:20 2020
    this is just a personal test for little ole me... sorry to break in gents.


    � Synchronet � |15American Pi BBS |08@ |07AmericanPiBBS.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Paulie420 on Sun May 3 12:53:19 2020
    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Paulie420 to All on Sun May 03 2020 03:14 am

    this is just a personal test for little ole me... sorry to break in gents.

    You can, but it's not going to turn into colors for everyone viewing it. Ctrl-A codes are more portable.

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #50:
    NAPLPS = North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax (ANSI X3.110)
    Norco, CA WX: 74.7�F, 52.0% humidity, 7 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to Digital Man on Mon May 4 09:34:00 2020
    On 05-03-20 12:53, Digital Man wrote to Paulie420 <=-

    @VIA: VERT
    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Paulie420 to All on Sun May 03 2020 03:14 am

    this is just a personal test for little ole me... sorry to break in gents.

    You can, but it's not going to turn into colors for everyone viewing
    it. Ctrl-A codes are more portable.

    I personally don't like it, for purely practical reasons. Colour codes often get translated to ANSI in messages. That's OK for viewing, but when replying offline, any quoted text becomes a mess of broken ANSI escape sequences.

    Save the colour for where it's really needed (e.g. BBS ads, ANSI art, etc).

    ... If you've seen one city slum, you've seen them all.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.51
    � Synchronet � Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au
  • From Paulie420@VERT/PAULIE42 to Digital Man on Sun May 3 14:02:23 2020
    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Digital Man to Paulie420 on Sun May 03 2020 12:53 pm

    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Paulie420 to All on Sun May 03 2020 03:14 am

    this is just a personal test for little ole me... sorry to break in

    You can, but it's not going to turn into colors for everyone viewing it. Ctrl-A codes are more portable.
    digital man

    Coming from that RG/Mystic history you know Ctrl codes are harder for me. I have pipe in my brain for 30 years -- anyway tho OK.

    Pipe won't translate to other users, kinda like the way that @command only worked on my BBS... question, do the Crtl codes show on other folks systems? LOL, if yes you don't even have to reply. I'll check the wiki about Ctrl-codes and get up to date on them. Ugh; but the more you know... thanks.

    Sync is like... the cool mans enterprise BBS package; Tele/RG/Mystic/[the 100 CoOl KiDZ/2 BBS SoFTWaREZ] were awesome for what they were - fun for kids to learn w/o technical knowledge under the hood. Quick, customizable, free. Sync does all that - albeit with more knowledge & skill; but I feel like once I -get- it, it'll be rock solid and perform for years w/o sometime typing //RAGNOR ^^drop t C:\xxo. :P... THANKS dm; my dumb questions will disappear- 3 weeks after you hate me over em.


    � Synchronet � |15American Pi BBS |08@ |07AmericanPiBBS.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Vk3jed on Sun May 3 20:25:55 2020
    Re: Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Vk3jed to Digital Man on Mon May 04 2020 09:34 am

    On 05-03-20 12:53, Digital Man wrote to Paulie420 <=-

    @VIA: VERT
    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Paulie420 to All on Sun May 03 2020 03:14 am

    this is just a personal test for little ole me... sorry to break in gents.

    You can, but it's not going to turn into colors for everyone viewing it. Ctrl-A codes are more portable.

    I personally don't like it, for purely practical reasons. Colour codes often get translated to ANSI in messages.

    That behavior is completely configurable. They should never be translated to ANSI without that being the desired effect.

    That's OK for viewing, but when
    replying offline, any quoted text becomes a mess of broken ANSI escape sequences.

    You should definitely set Ctrl-A codes to "Strip" in your QWK packet configuration in that case.

    digital man

    Sling Blade quote #11:
    Doyle Hargraves (to Karl): What in the hell you doin' with that hammer?
    Norco, CA WX: 66.2�F, 72.0% humidity, 3 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Paulie420 on Sun May 3 20:31:42 2020
    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Paulie420 to Digital Man on Sun May 03 2020 02:02 pm

    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Digital Man to Paulie420 on Sun May 03 2020 12:53 pm

    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Paulie420 to All on Sun May 03 2020 03:14 am

    this is just a personal test for little ole me... sorry to break in

    You can, but it's not going to turn into colors for everyone viewing it. Ctrl-A codes are more portable.
    digital man

    Coming from that RG/Mystic history you know Ctrl codes are harder for me. I have pipe in my brain for 30 years -- anyway tho OK.

    Pipe won't translate to other users, kinda like the way that @command only worked on my BBS...

    Not the same. Pipe will expand on the systems that have them enabled in their configuration.

    question, do the Crtl codes show on other folks systems?


    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #25:
    Viv Savage: Have... a good... time... all the time. That's my philosophy. Norco, CA WX: 65.8�F, 73.0% humidity, 5 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Randers@VERT/MINDSEYE to Paulie420 on Mon May 4 15:47:04 2020
    Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Paulie420 to Digital Man on Sun May 03 2020 02:02 pm

    Sync is like... the cool mans enterprise BBS package; Tele/RG/Mystic/[the 100 CoOl KiDZ/2 BBS SoFTWaREZ] were awesome for what they were - fun for kids to learn w/o technical knowledge under the hood. Quick, customizable, free. Sync does all that - albeit with more knowledge & skill; but I feel like once I -get- it, it'll be rock solid and perform for years w/o sometime typing //RAGNOR ^^drop t C:\xxo. :P... THANKS dm; my dumb questions will

    Couldn't have said it better. I was obsessed in those ELiTE BBS packages, especially Celerity and Oblivion/2 ... played with Vision-X, Vision/2, and LSD too... man those were fun times.

    -----> MiND'S EYE BBS <----- mindseye.ddns.net 3:633/416 � Melbourne, Australia

    � Synchronet � Mind's Eye - mindseye.ddns.net - Melbourne Australia
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Vk3jed on Mon May 4 01:31:43 2020
    Re: Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Vk3jed to Digital Man on Mon May 04 2020 09:34 am

    I personally don't like it, for purely practical reasons. Colour codes often get translated to ANSI in messages. That's OK for viewing, but when replying offline, any quoted text becomes a mess of broken ANSI escape sequences.

    Save the colour for where it's really needed (e.g. BBS ads, ANSI art, etc).

    Do offline readers translate Synchronet Ctrl-A codes, pipe codes, etc. to ANSI? I'd imagine you'd just see the Ctrl-A codes & pipe codes, etc. in an offline reader.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Paulie420@VERT/PAULIE42 to Vk3jed on Mon May 4 00:01:35 2020
    Re: Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Vk3jed to Digital Man on Mon May 04 2020 09:34 am

    On 05-03-20 12:53, Digital Man wrote to Paulie420 <=-

    I personally don't like it, for purely practical reasons. Colour codes often get translated to ANSI in messages. That's OK for viewing, but when replying offline, any quoted text becomes a mess of broken ANSI escape sequences.

    Save the colour for where it's really needed (e.g. BBS ads, ANSI art, etc).

    Ok... I'm just back and hadn't thought of all that.. or at least, save for my local message bases then. Come on, I gotta lay my pipe SOMEWHERE... :P


    � Synchronet � |15American Pi BBS |08@ |07AmericanPiBBS.com
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Digital Man on Mon May 4 21:00:00 2020
    On 05-03-20 20:25, Digital Man wrote to Vk3jed <=-

    I personally don't like it, for purely practical reasons. Colour codes often get translated to ANSI in messages.

    That behavior is completely configurable. They should never be
    translated to ANSI without that being the desired effect.

    I'll double check my QWK settings. It's set to Strip, so CTRL-A codes aren't the issue, I think the culprit is systems that translate pipe codes (Mystic?) to ASCII. Anyway, I have had instances of people with coloured sigs creating ANSI messages unnecessarily.

    That's OK for viewing, but when
    replying offline, any quoted text becomes a mess of broken ANSI escape sequences.

    You should definitely set Ctrl-A codes to "Strip" in your QWK packet configuration in that case.

    It is, so I doubt CTRL-A codes are the cause, which means they're a good choice to use. :)

    ... A highway is a main road surfaced with concrete and cars.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Nightfox on Mon May 4 21:10:00 2020
    On 05-04-20 01:31, Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-

    Do offline readers translate Synchronet Ctrl-A codes, pipe codes, etc.
    to ANSI? I'd imagine you'd just see the Ctrl-A codes & pipe codes, etc.
    in an offline reader.

    With the settings I have, CTRL-A codes should be stripped, so I can probably rule those out. I've had messages with ANSI codes in them unexpectedly, and at least some were from codes in their sig that causes the messages to be rendered in ANSI. Pipe codes from some boards being translated to ANSI somewhere are a suspect.

    ... Chuck Norris can kick a fart back into an ass.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Tony Langdon on Mon May 4 18:41:28 2020
    Re: Re: can you use pipe colors in QWK tagline?
    By: Tony Langdon to Nightfox on Mon May 04 2020 09:10 pm

    On 05-04-20 01:31, Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-

    Do offline readers translate Synchronet Ctrl-A codes, pipe codes, etc. to ANSI? I'd imagine you'd just see the Ctrl-A codes & pipe codes, etc. in an offline reader.

    With the settings I have, CTRL-A codes should be stripped, so I can probably rule those out. I've had messages with ANSI codes in them unexpectedly, and at least some were from codes in their sig that causes the messages to be rendered in ANSI. Pipe codes from some boards being translated to ANSI somewhere are a suspect.

    Or some people just post raw ANSI. <shrug>

    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #31:
    Viv Savage: Quite exciting, this computer magic!
    Norco, CA WX: 78.3�F, 47.0% humidity, 7 mph NE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Paulie420 on Tue May 5 17:46:00 2020
    On 05-04-20 00:01, Paulie420 wrote to Vk3jed <=-

    Save the colour for where it's really needed (e.g. BBS ads, ANSI art, etc).

    Ok... I'm just back and hadn't thought of all that.. or at least, save
    for my local message bases then. Come on, I gotta lay my pipe


    Well, at least Synchronet doesn't convert pipe codes to ANSI in messages (if it did, all your quoted text above would have been full of ANSI escape sequences :) ).. It might be Mystic that does that.

    ... You can have my sword when you pry it from my dead hands!
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Digital Man on Tue May 5 17:48:00 2020
    On 05-04-20 18:41, Digital Man wrote to Tony Langdon <=-

    Or some people just post raw ANSI. <shrug>

    I've had at least one who didn't seem to know why his messages came out in ANSI. It was something to do with his sig that caused it - either pipe codes or ANSI. That was a while ago.

    ... Relax. It's only ones and zeroes.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net