• First update with GIT

    From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Digital Man on Mon Aug 24 17:18:45 2020
    Hi there DM,

    I saw your long message in Announcements, and lots of other messages regarding the changeover to GIT from CVS. Makes sense to me, I guess, but have one question regarding updating an existing (Linux) BBS:

    On the Wiki, you've updated the "Updating" section to show the changes. I can obviously create the new "repo" directory under /sbbs, but the next step shows simply "git pull". How will my system know where the repository is? Don't I have to have some configuration that defines where to pull from? I think there is an assumption there that it's a new install that was done from git, and I guess perhaps the new GNUmakefile creates that config.... but what if I've been updating via CVS for all this time... (and obviously don't want to do a new install from git).

    Thanks for info!

    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Gamgee on Mon Aug 24 20:30:43 2020
    Re: First update with GIT
    By: Gamgee to Digital Man on Mon Aug 24 2020 10:18 am

    On the Wiki, you've updated the "Updating" section to show the changes. I can obviously create the new "repo" directory under /sbbs, but the next step shows simply "git pull". How will my system know where the repository is? Don't I have to have some configuration that defines where to pull from? I think there is an assumption there that it's a new install that was done from git, and I guess perhaps the new GNUmakefile creates that config.... but what if I've been updating via CVS for all this time... (and obviously don't want to do a new install from git).

    when you do a git clone, it writes config files into .git/ with information on where the repo is located. You can also set environment variables and whatnot for git to use, but that's not required if you're simply doing a "git pull"

    anyway, when you are in /sbbs and do a "git pull" it reads the settings stored in the .git/ directory, that's how it knows where the repo is.

    I'd recommend holding off a bit on updating with git if you're not familiar with it. As DM said, it's kind of an all-or-nothing type system. If you have any changes to files that are in CVS, they'll get overwitten by the copy command from GNUMakefile. I can already hear The Millionaire screaming about his text.dat file....


    ... One good turn gets most of the blanket.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to DaiTengu on Mon Aug 24 22:17:00 2020
    DaiTengu wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Re: First update with GIT
    By: Gamgee to Digital Man on Mon Aug 24 2020 10:18 am

    On the Wiki, you've updated the "Updating" section to show the changes. I can obviously create the new "repo" directory under /sbbs, but the next step shows simply "git pull". How will my system know where the repository is? Don't I have to have some configuration that defines where to pull from? I think there is an assumption there that it's a new install that was done from git, and I guess perhaps the new GNUmakefile creates that config.... but what if I've been updating via CVS for all this time... (and obviously don't want to do a new install from git).

    when you do a git clone, it writes config files into .git/ with information on where the repo is located. You can also set
    environment variables and whatnot for git to use, but that's not
    required if you're simply doing a "git pull"

    But..... I don't *have* a .git directory, because I did not
    originally install using git (I used CVS).

    anyway, when you are in /sbbs and do a "git pull" it reads the
    settings stored in the .git/ directory, that's how it knows where
    the repo is.

    That makes sense to me, but how do the settings get put into the
    (nonexistant) .git directory, if I've not used git before?

    I'd recommend holding off a bit on updating with git if you're
    not familiar with it. As DM said, it's kind of an all-or-nothing
    type system. If you have any changes to files that are in CVS,
    they'll get overwitten by the copy command from GNUMakefile. I
    can already hear The Millionaire screaming about his text.dat

    Yes, I'll be waiting a bit, for sure. I'm assuming that I can
    (before updating) copy all my customized files to some safe
    directory, and then copy (overwrite) them back into the /sbbs
    structure afterwards (as I am already doing with a script).

    Thanks, and agreed on the TM thing... ;-)

    ... Computer Hacker wanted. Must have own axe.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Gamgee on Mon Aug 24 23:03:25 2020
    Re: First update with GIT
    By: Gamgee to Digital Man on Mon Aug 24 2020 10:18 am

    Hi there DM,

    I saw your long message in Announcements, and lots of other messages regarding the changeover to GIT from CVS. Makes sense to me, I guess, but have one question regarding updating an existing (Linux) BBS:

    On the Wiki, you've updated the "Updating" section to show the changes. I can obviously create the new "repo" directory under /sbbs, but the next step shows simply "git pull". How will my system know where the repository is? Don't I have to have some configuration that defines where to pull from? I think there is an assumption there that it's a new install that was done from git, and I guess perhaps the new GNUmakefile creates that config.... but what if I've been updating via CVS for all this time... (and obviously don't want to do a new install from git).

    See here:

    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #16:
    David St. Hubbins: I believe virtually everything I read...
    Norco, CA WX: 90.7�F, 45.0% humidity, 16 mph N wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Digital Man on Tue Aug 25 03:18:00 2020
    Digital Man wrote to Gamgee <=-

    I saw your long message in Announcements, and lots of other messages regarding the changeover to GIT from CVS. Makes sense to me, I guess, but have one question regarding updating an existing (Linux) BBS:

    On the Wiki, you've updated the "Updating" section to show the changes. I can obviously create the new "repo" directory under /sbbs, but the next step shows simply "git pull". How will my system know where the repository is? Don't I have to have some configuration that defines where to pull from? I think there is an assumption there that it's a new install that was done from git, and I guess perhaps the new GNUmakefile creates that config.... but what if I've been updating via CVS for all this time... (and obviously don't want to do a new install from git).

    See here:

    Ahhhhhhh. Thank you.

    ... Was Jimi Hendrix's modem a Purple Hayes?
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Mike Powell@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DAITENGU on Wed Aug 26 01:54:00 2020
    GNUMakefile. I can already hear The Millionaire screaming about his text.dat le....

    That is because he is alredy screaming about it in another dovenet echo. :)

    * SLMR 2.1a * Indecision Clouds My Vision.

    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP