• Website And Telnet

    From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to echicken on Thu May 27 20:14:00 2021
    I've been downloading the SBBS_DEV and SBBS_RUN files from
    Vertrauen, but there's a problem with echicken's website.
    While I like the dark theme, when I click on "Connect Via
    Telnet", I get a blank screen in the window, and it just
    "sits there". I've already disabled the Flash Policy Server
    in the control panel, and port 843 in the router. Am I
    missing something??


    ... NEWS FLASH: Red ship crashes into blue ship. . . sailors marooned.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Daryl Stout on Thu May 27 23:24:40 2021
    On 5/27/2021 11:14 AM, Daryl Stout wrote:
    I've been downloading the SBBS_DEV and SBBS_RUN files from
    Vertrauen, but there's a problem with echicken's website.
    While I like the dark theme, when I click on "Connect Via
    Telnet", I get a blank screen in the window, and it just
    "sits there". I've already disabled the Flash Policy Server
    in the control panel, and port 843 in the router. Am I
    missing something??

    You need the websocket and secure websocket servers setup, it doesn't
    use flash connector at all... you will also need the ports
    forwarded/open for public access.

    I have the web service proxying on a different physical server from my websocket/host server, so had to do a few custom modifications, it's
    possible you're having a similar issue.
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to Daryl Stout on Fri May 28 17:19:45 2021
    I've been downloading the SBBS_DEV and SBBS_RUN files from
    Vertrauen, but there's a problem with echicken's website.
    While I like the dark theme, when I click on "Connect Via
    Telnet", I get a blank screen in the window, and it just
    "sits there". I've already disabled the Flash Policy Server
    in the control panel, and port 843 in the router. Am I
    missing something??


    make sure you have services.ini [WS] port=1125 [WSS] port=11235 defined and enabled and that those ports are open/forwarded

    � Synchronet � AlleyCat! BBS Lake Echo, NS Canada alleycatbbs.com