• [ANSI] what do you all think?

    From Deyssman@21:1/127 to All on Sun Dec 15 18:03:43 2024
    I found myself thinking of the good old days, w
    / the systems that I used torun.
    How I found my self running RA, because
    I was told that everyone "aroundhere
    " runs RA (Remote Access)
    indeed they were all running w/ the sameconf
    iguration files too that was literately shared on a USB thumb
    drive, asthis thumb drive was copied from system
    to new system. They had different bbs file
    s, but it was the same hum drum cookie cutter out of
    the box BBS with no customization.Wh
    ich is why I did not stay with the plain jane, I
    decided to get commercialsoftware. I pic
    ked up Wildcat 4.20 loved it and so did
    the users, but it didnot play nice with F
    idonet or any other type of like message base.
    It was not until Platinum Xpress Sotware from
    Santronics came along to wherethis frontend somewhat
    handled the issues with integrating fidonet intoWil
    dcat, but sometimes Andrea and more so w/
    Hector were a bit too abrasive.If y
    ou knew them, then you know exactly what I mean
    . I used a few others systems afte
    r wildcat to what I am using now and formore then a
    few years of which is Mystic. Love it
    , in just about every way dueto it having a frontend
    , telnet, BinkD and a BBS
    all built in. Really Nice -
    But What about the blinking yellow MAIL w
    / the chirp indicating new netmail?That
    was in frontdoor from back in the day. The
    MAIL indicator should be located perilously at the following
    location Idiscovered this would be optimum at x
    51 y10 from looking at the ans filewit
    hin c:\mystic\data\mis_st
    ats.ansThis my First atte
    mpt - but I know nothing of writing a script with
    in mysticto get Mystic to do this. I
    do not even know if this is even possible?
    Sooooo, I wanted to share with you all the scrip
    t that Chat GPT under mydirection came up wi
    th. I wanted to see of this would work or if it is j
    ustgibberish and nonsense and if it was a possibility that t
    his could be includedin the next version if there is one
    ? Thanks in advance,
    Gregoryimport osimport time
    import winsound# Directory to check for n
    ew netmailNETMAIL_DIR = "C:\\
    Path to the ANSI fileANSI_FILE
    = "C:\\MYSTIC\\DATA\\mis
    _stats.ans"# Coordinat
    es for the mail indicatorX = 51Y
    = 10# Mail indicator message
    MAIL_INDICATOR = "\x1B[5
    " # Blinking yellow MAIL# P
    ath to the chirping sound file (replace with your soun
    d file path)SOUND_FILE = "C
    av"def check_new_ne
    tmail():"""Check for new netmail in the
    specified directory."""return len(
    os.listdir(NETMAIL_DIR)) >
    0def update_ansi_file
    ():"""Update the ANSI file to di
    splay the mail indicator at X51, Y10.""
    "with open(ANSI_FILE, '
    r+') as file:lines =
    file.readlines() if
    Y - 1 < len(lines):
    lines[Y - 1] = lines[
    Y - 1][:X] + MAIL_INDICATOR
    + lines[Y -1][X
    ef play
    ... Still waitng for that Coffee :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (21:1/127)
  • From maskreet@21:1/100 to Deyssman on Mon Dec 16 00:14:25 2024
    On 15 Dec 2024, Deyssman said the following...

    import os
    import time
    import winsound

    # Directory to check for new netmail
    # Path to the ANSI file
    ANSI_FILE = "C:\\MYSTIC\\DATA\\mis_stats.ans"
    # Coordinates for the mail indicator
    X = 51
    Y = 10
    # Mail indicator message
    MAIL_INDICATOR = "\x1B[5;33mMAIL\x1B[0m" # Blinking yellow MAIL
    # Path to the chirping sound file (replace with your sound file path) SOUND_FILE = "C:\\MYSTIC\\scripts\\chirp.wav"

    def check_new_netmail():

    SEEN-BY: 1/100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 SEEN-BY: 1/118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 134 136 137 SEEN-BY: 1/138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 152 153 154 155 SEEN-BY: 1/156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 168 169 171 172 173 174 SEEN-BY: 1/175 176 177 178 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 193 SEEN-BY: 1/194 195 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 SEEN-BY: 1/212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 SEEN-BY: 1/229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 SEEN-BY: 1/246 247 248 616 995 999 2/100 1202 3/100 4/100 106 5/100 6/100
  • From Shurato@21:2/148 to Deyssman on Sun Dec 15 20:20:00 2024
    If you want everyone to be able to read this post, parse out the ANSI...

    I found myself thinking of the good old days,
    w / the systems that I used

    How I found my self running RA,
    because I was told that everyone
    "aroundhere " runs RA
    (Remote Access) indeed
    they were all running w/ the sameconf
    iguration files too that was literately shared on a USB
    thumb drive, asthis
    thumb drive was copied from system to new system.
    They had different bbs file s,
    but it was the same hum drum cookie cutter out of the box
    BBS with no customization.Wh
    ich is why I did not stay with the plain jane,
    I decided to get commercialsoftware.
    I pic ked up Wildcat 4.20
    loved it and so did the users, but it
    didnot play nice with F idonet
    or any other type of like message base. It was not
    until Platinum Xpress Sotware from
    Santronics came along to wherethis frontend
    somewhat handled the issues with integrating fidonet
    intoWil dcat, but sometimes
    Andrea and more so w/

    Hector were a bit too abrasive.If
    y ou knew them, then you know exactly what I
    mean . I used a few
    others systems afte r wildcat to what I am using
    now and formore then a few years of which is
    Mystic. Love it , in
    just about every way dueto it having a frontend
    , telnet, BinkD and a BBS
    all built in. Really Nice -
    But What about the blinking yellow MAIL
    w / the chirp indicating new
    netmail?That was in frontdoor
    from back in the day. The

    MAIL indicator should be located perilously at the
    following location Idiscovered
    this would be optimum at x 51 y10
    from looking at the ans filewit hin
    ats.ansThis my First
    atte mpt - but I know nothing of writing
    a script with in mysticto get Mystic
    to do this. I do not even know if this is
    even possible? Sooooo,
    I wanted to share with you all the scrip t
    that Chat GPT under mydirection came up wi
    th. I wanted to see of this would work or if it is
    j ustgibberish and nonsense and if it was a
    possibility that t his could be includedin
    the next version if there is one ?
    Thanks in advance,
    Gregoryimport osimport time
    import winsound# Directory to check for
    n ew netmailNETMAIL_DIR
    = "C:\\
    Path to the ANSI
    fileANSI_FILE =
    Coordinat es for the mail indicatorX
    = 51Y

    = 10# Mail indicator message
    MAIL_INDICATOR = "\x1B[5
    m " # Blinking yellow MAIL#
    P ath to the chirping sound file (replace
    with your soun d file
    path)SOUND_FILE = "C
    w av"def
    tmail():"""Check for new netmail in
    the specified directory."""return
    os.listdir(NETMAIL_DIR)) >
    ():"""Update the ANSI file to
    di splay the mail indicator at X51,
    Y10."" "with
    open(ANSI_FILE, ' r+')
    as file:lines =
    file.readlines() if
    Y - 1 <
    lines[Y - 1] =
    lines[ Y - 1][:X]
    lines[Y -1][X
    d ef play
    ... Still waitng for that Coffee :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (21:1/127)

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,999) (ssh login 'bbs' password 'shsbbs')

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (21:2/148)