Connect to the Horizon BBS

About The Horizon BBS

The Horizon BBS has been online since 1994 originally as a dial-up bulletin board system in the small rural town of Arvin, California. The system originally had just one single 14.4k US Robotics modem and ran 24 hours a day serving dial-in users primarily from the Kern County/Golden Empire area but occasionally out of state and abroad.

Later expansion included increased nodes (incoming phone lines/modems) and to the current medium it has today, an internet connection.

The bulletin board has been consistently online since early April, 1994 running Wildcat! v3.9 and Later switching to Synchronet around the later releases of version 3.00 around the end of 2000.

We currently serve guests from all over the world from all walks of life primarily seeking a vintage computing experience. Our most popular features are door games and message bases such as FidoNet and Tradewars 2002.

Please feel free to log in and look around free of charge. In order to download files you must be a registered user and logged in. To register please connect to the BBS above or telnet to:

Trade Wars 2002

Click here to connect to the Classic Tradewars 2002 Server Direct


10-05-22 - I am adding the complete sunrise door collection to the BBS, you can access them as they are added by pressing "X" at the main menu.

9-26-22 - Replace websocketservice.js with websockify to support ftelnet on a few custom services

9-20-22 - New Tradewars 2002 portal (direct server access) is now online.

8-27-22 - The lord data files became corrupt throughout the backup rotation, they have been reset.

7-03-22 - Dial-up BBS access is back online at 1-657-301-4168

12-22-22 - The BBS was undergoing some maintenance but is now back online. Happy Holidays!

04-21-23 - Upgrade websockify so htmlterm is now running correctly, also enhanced security a bit and did some general housekeeping planning for the v3.20 upgrade.

05-20-24 - A wine upgrade failed that caused the tradewars config to reset (game data was saved). If you want a game re-named let me know. Various upgrades were performed over this time. I also fixed ftelnet on the dedicated Tradewars 2002 page linked above.