Brand new BBS Directory service up and running at
Inspired by the downtime of BBSFinder I threw this up last week, we've got 13 listed so far which isn't bad.
- Upload a Logo, Cover & Screenshots
- Hosted Page dedicated to your BBS
- Downloadable SyncTerm.lst files
- Favorites system for quick access to your favorite bbs on the go
- Facebook App Hosted Page (With SSL Support)
- Telnet Monitor (Every 6 Hours Checks your online status)
- Integrated fTelnet Direct Connect for those who have a Flash Policy Server running alongside their bbs
- BBS Roulette Game (Click the button and be connected to a random bbs)
- Building a small API system to allow bbs's to update their listing
More features are in the works but I will leave it at those for now. I am
also open to suggestions of features.
- NoRC
Retroland BBS
þ Synchronet þ RetroLand BBS -