As an informational service, information about MRO's vulgarity has been collected from DOVE-Net and is presented below.
MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts.
Fuck off 23 18.85%
Autistic 18 14.75%
Faggot 11 9.02%
MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts.
Ravne wrote to MROBot <=-
Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: MROBot to All on Fri May 24 2024 09:09 pm
MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts.
Whoever made this, I love you, haha. It would be cool if a
separate one could be done that tracks his bigotry separately
from other vulgarity.
Let's see, we could have:
they/them (obviously pronoun usage isn't bigoted, but MRO uses
this in a bigoted way) groomer
fag (I see faggot in the list, but not fag)
pedophile (obviously the word itself isn't bigotry, but MRO's
typical usage is bigoted) dyke (I'm not sure I've seen him use
that one, but I'm sure he will if he hasn't)
MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts.
This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.
Words & phrases (122 in total), in order of most to least used:
Term # Percent
---- - -------
Asshole 24 19.67%
Fuck off 23 18.85%
Autistic 18 14.75%
Motherfucker 13 10.66%
Fucker 11 9.02%
Faggot 11 9.02%
Fuck you 9 7.38%
Bitch 6 4.92%
Nigger 3 2.46%
Damn you 1 0.82%
Dickhead 1 0.82%
Assburgers 1 0.82%
Mother fucker 1 0.82%
A most-used term (24 times): Asshole
A least-used term (1 times): Damn you
In DOVE-Net - General, MRO to MROBot on 2024-05-24 19:51:28 CDT (subject: MRO's Vulgarity Stats):
anyways, your information is wrong. I said nigger and fuck and all that other stuff WAY MORE.
On 24 May 2024, MROBot said the following...
MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts.
Fuck off 23 18.85%
Autistic 18 14.75%
Faggot 11 9.02%
Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: MROBot to All on Fri May 24 2024 09:09 pm
MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts.
Whoever made this, I love you, haha. It would be cool if a separate one could be done that tracks his bigotry separately from other vulgarity.
As an informational service, information about MRO's vulgarity has been collected from DOVE-Net and is presented below.
This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net
since 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.
Muahahhahahahahaha! Thanks for this public service; you need to create a bot so we can run the diagnostics on other users. Millionaire...
I suspect we've heard of the last of The Millionaire. :-(
I suspect we've heard of the last of The Millionaire. :-(
I know. :/ As the years go by more and more handles get retired.
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
He was someone who liked to try to start conversations and his comments and topics tended to be fairly simplistic. Other times, he seemed to misunderstand some things. He also kept saying he planned to run a Synchronet BBS and seemed ro have a lot of interest in text.dat. His conversation style seemed to annoy some people.
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.
Words & phrases (124 in total), in order of most to least used:
Term # Percent
---- - -------
Asshole 24 19.35%
Fuck off 24 19.35% (+1 new since last time)
Autistic 18 14.52%
Motherfucker 13 10.48%
Fucker 11 8.87%
Faggot 11 8.87%
Fuck you 9 7.26%
Bitch 6 4.84%
Nigger 3 2.42%
Damn you 1 0.81%
Dickhead 1 0.81%
Assburgers 1 0.81%
Mother fucker 1 0.81%
Cunt 1 0.81%
A most-used term (24 times): Asshole
A least-used term (1 times): Damn you
In DOVE-Net - General, MRO to Ravne on 2024-05-25 19:00:27 CDT (subject: Re: BBS community improvements):
fuck off. they wouldn't accept you any more than anybody else would.
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
Synchronet BBS and seemed ro have a lot of interest in text.dat. His conversation style seemed to annoy some people.
I remeber him and his always acting like he was going to set up a BBS on a tablet or something.
fag (I see faggot in the list, but not fag)
pedophile (obviously the word itself isn't bigotry, but MRO's typical usage is bigoted)
dyke (I'm not sure I've seen him use that one, but I'm sure he will if he
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: Denn to paulie420 on Sun May 26 2024 12:19 pm
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
A Synchronet "fan" (one time sysop, maybe?) who was obsessed with the SBBS text.dat file for some reason. Definitely not MRO. His health was failing and he likely passed away last year.
fag (I see faggot in the list, but not fag)
pedophile (obviously the word itself isn't bigotry, but MRO's typical usage is bigoted)
dyke (I'm not sure I've seen him use that one, but I'm sure he will if he
Autistic, retarded, pedophile drag queens are my kind of people.
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: Denn to paulie420 on Sun May 26 2024 12:19 pm
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
A Synchronet "fan" (one time sysop, maybe?) who was obsessed with the SBBS text.dat file for some reason. Definitely not MRO. His health was failing and he likely passed away last year.
MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts.
This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.
Words & phrases (126 in total), in order of most to least used:
Term # Percent
---- - -------
Asshole 24 19.05%
Fuck off 24 19.05%
Autistic 18 14.29%
Motherfucker 13 10.32%
Fucker 11 8.73%
Faggot 11 8.73%
Fuck you 9 7.14%
Bitch 6 4.76%
Nigger 3 2.38%
Assburgers 2 1.59% (+1 new since last time)
Damn you 1 0.79%
Dickhead 1 0.79%
Mother fucker 1 0.79%
Cunt 1 0.79%
I killed him 1 0.79%
A most-used term (24 times): Asshole
A least-used term (1 times): Damn you
In DOVE-Net - General, MRO to MROBot on 2024-05-26 17:38:38 CDT (subject: MRO's Vulgarity Stats):
In DOVE-Net - General, MRO to Digital Man on 2024-05-26 21:19:48 CDT (subject: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats):
I killed him.
A Synchronet "fan" (one time sysop, maybe?) who was obsessed with the SBBS text.dat file for some reason. Definitely not MRO. His health was failing and he likely passed away last year.
Sorry to hear that.
This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.
Autistic 18 14.88%
In DOVE-Net - General, MRO to Dumas Walker on 2023-09-01 22:20:09 CDTsubject
Re: Food):am
you know who else eats good. the foreign legion. they walk everywhere but i was watching them on tv and fuckers were having pheasant underglass in the
In DOVE-Net - General, MRO to Dumas Walker on 2024-01-18 05:59:20 CST
i'm not talking about family members or someone close. you would have to be one obtuse motherfucker to rely on obituaries to track their deaths.
Muahahhahahahahaha! Thanks for this public service; you need to create a bot >> so we can run the diagnostics on other users. Millionaire...
I suspect we've heard of the last of The Millionaire. :-(
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
A Synchronet "fan" (one time sysop, maybe?) who was obsessed with the SBBS text.dat file for some reason. Definitely not MRO. His health was failing and he likely passed away last year.
oh so vulgar!
keep the stats going! i'm sure everyone enjoys the spam!
I was not aware that the word "autistic" was a vulgarity. If it is, my ex-g/f sure did curse a lot more about her ex-husband, and also her son, than I realized.
This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.
Autistic 18 14.88%
I was not aware that the word "autistic" was a vulgarity. If it is, my ex-g/f sure did curse a lot more about her ex-husband, and also her son, than I realized.
Muahahhahahahahaha! Thanks for this public service; you need to create a bot >> so we can run the diagnostics on other users. Millionaire...
I suspect we've heard of the last of The Millionaire. :-(
Sadly, yes. I also don't remember him using colorful language.
So who was the Millionaire? I remember when he was around, Was it another MRO persona?.
A Synchronet "fan" (one time sysop, maybe?) who was obsessed with the SBBS text.dat file for some reason. Definitely not MRO. His health was failing and he likely passed away last year.
He was also the moderator of the short-lived FIDO MOBILE echo.
oh so vulgar!
keep the stats going! i'm sure everyone enjoys the spam!
The mrobot missed the two references to "sh!td!cks." Someone should get a refund.
ex-g/f sure did curse a lot more about her ex-husband, and also her son, than I realized.
Mro likes to call people autistic as an insult. Seems to me like a fairly insensitive thing to do..
Bitch 6 4.76%
Damn you 1 0.79%
Dickhead 1 0.79%
Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: MROBot to All on Sun May 26 2024 21:03:38
Bitch 6 4.76%
Damn you 1 0.79%
Dickhead 1 0.79%
Bitch and Damn are now targets?
You bitch damn fuck bugger you.
Whoops, I'd better be careful or someone will put me in their lis.......
I was not aware that the word "autistic" was a vulgarity. If it is, my ex-g/f sure did curse a lot more about her ex-husband, and also her son, than I realized.
Mro likes to call people autistic as an insult. Seems to me like a fairly insensitive thing to do..
I think eric's attempt is backfiring on him.
shhh! this is supposed to be a joke! so funny, right!
everyone's rolling on the floor laughing. my sides are hurting.
king of comedy here.
Dumas Walker wrote to MROBOT <=-
This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.
Autistic 18 14.88%
I was not aware that the word "autistic" was a vulgarity. If it is, my ex-g/f sure did curse a lot more about her ex-husband, and also her
son, than I realized.
Dumas Walker wrote to RAVNE <=-
Only way this one is bigoted is if someone is one and is offended.
Even then, it is only bigoted in their mind.
I think eric's attempt is backfiring on him.
It would be interesting to know if he has actually set up a real bot
program that does the counting. That could be an interesting mod, especially if you can configure what it counts.
shhh! this is supposed to be a joke! so funny, right!
everyone's rolling on the floor laughing. my sides are hurting.
king of comedy here.
Some of the reactions have been funny. Maybe not LOL funny but they are at least giggle funny.
I thought it WAS a real script. now i'm even more disappointed. it just
Quoting Poindexter Fortran to Dumas Walker <=-
Around here, the people who are calling others groomers are doing the grooming. It's emotionally charged.
I was not aware that the word "autistic" was a vulgarity. If it is, my ex-g/f sure did curse a lot more about her ex-husband, and also her
son, than I realized.
My parent's said I was borderline artistic, so they sent me to an art college.
(thank you, I'll be here all week...)
Only way this one is bigoted is if someone is one and is offended.
Even then, it is only bigoted in their mind.
Around here, the people who are calling others groomers are doing the grooming.
It's emotionally charged.
Following your logic, only members of racial groups can be offended by
racial slurs?
It would be interesting to know if he has actually set up a real bot program that does the counting. That could be an interesting mod, especially if you can configure what it counts.
I thought it WAS a real script. now i'm even more disappointed.
it just had a poor source of data, ie the timeframe on his bbs.
Quoting Poindexter Fortran to Dumas Walker <=-
Around here, the people who are calling others groomers are doing the grooming. It's emotionally charged.
I don't know what's bad about grooming. I get my head shaved, beard trimmed, I shower. I'm not emotional about it, but I wish everyone did so
I didn't have to smell B.O on the bus.
Around here, the people who are calling others groomers are doing the grooming.
I have not seen that.
It's emotionally charged.
I have seen that. Most parents will get emotional if they think someone is "after" their child. Duh.
No, but a racial slur is a slur pointed at something the person was born with (i.e. their race) and not something they decided to do. It also is
not criminal. Being a groomer is nothing like a race you are born into, it is something they decide to do, and is also criminal.
Apples and oranges.
I thought it WAS a real script. now i'm even more disappointed.
it just had a poor source of data, ie the timeframe on his bbs.
I didn't say it was not a script. I think such a script could have other applications that might be nice to have.
Quoting Mro to Tiny <=-
yeah but i'm sure those people that have to give you the brazilian wax arent happy about it!
ever see the 'we're coming for your children' singing video. then someone got >ahold of it and did bg checks on the people. a bunch of them are pedos.
It's emotionally charged.
I have seen that. Most parents will get emotional if they think someone is >> "after" their child. Duh.
yeah it's crazy to not want your child raped or talked into thinking they are another gender during a time when everything's confusing to their underdeveloped mind.
No, but a racial slur is a slur pointed at something the person was born
with (i.e. their race) and not something they decided to do. It also is
not criminal. Being a groomer is nothing like a race you are born into, it >> is something they decide to do, and is also criminal.
Apples and oranges.
yeah but if you make it about racism then you can do the namecalling liberals like to do. they go so far as to label people of color 'white' so they can attack them and feel good about it. We need to eliminate ALL thought of races. all it does is divide people.
I also saw another video posted by a fully transitioned transwoman who said she thought the person above was crazy and didn't represent most true members of the community. I am sure they do not but it does show there are at least a few who maybe need some sort of psychological assistance (but probably won't get it because their issues are more serious than gender disphoria).
He also went on to talk about how many of the things that society uses to divide people, including racism, are just that -- tools of division.
ever see the 'we're coming for your children' singing video. then someone got >ahold of it and did bg checks on the people. a bunch of them are pedos.
No, but I did see the one where a very masculine looking transwoman (looked
up. His belief, and the belief of the church, is that the "created in his image" passages means that all humans are of one race.
He also went on to talk about how many of the things that society uses to divide people, including racism, are just that -- tools of division.
as "Hello, I am an accountant with a liking for COBOL and I am here to learn a >lot about COBOL!"
I think dennying our differences rather than embracing them is an exercise in >futility.
ever see the 'we're coming for your children' singing video. then someone got >ahold of it and did bg checks on the people. a bunch of them are pedos.
No, but I did see the one where a very masculine looking transwoman (looked
they are saying that the people who were in gay men's choir video only shared the same name as sex offenders. there was no more digging. so who knows
He also went on to talk about how many of the things that society uses to
divide people, including racism, are just that -- tools of division.
yeah the devil is out there. and he lives in the heart of people with hate.
they are saying that the people who were in gay men's choir video only shared the same name as sex offenders. there was no more digging. so who knows
That is an interesting "coincidence" that so many members happened to share the same names with offenders.
yeah the devil is out there. and he lives in the heart of people with hate.
That is pretty much what he said. ;)
I suspect we've heard of the last of The Millionaire. :-(
I know. :/ As the years go by more and more handles get retired.
often). He shared that he had been in an assisted-living or nursing facility, and his health had taken a dramatic turn for the worse with no sense that he would improve. If anything, he expressed a profound sense of loneliness and abandonment from his own family.
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: Kaelon to paulie420 on Sat Jun 08 2024 10:46 am
often). He shared that he had been in an assisted-living or nursing facility, and his health had taken a dramatic turn for the worse with no sense that he would improve. If anything, he expressed a profound sense of loneliness and abandonment from his own family.
I suspect that for people who were already adults and working professionals in >the 1970s and 1980s when BBS'ing as a hobby took off, they are now in their >80s and 90s, if not older, and we'll continue to see the same sort of trickle >of long goodbyes.
loneliness and abandonment from his own family.
People die every day, dude. You don't have to be old to die.
Millionaire wasn't elderly.
I find it hypocritical that people are mourning this guy when everyone treated him like garbage. Especially on fxnet.
I find it hypocritical that people are mourning this guy when everyone treat ed him like garbage. Especially on fxnet.
People die every day, dude. You don't have to be old to die.
Millionaire wasn't elderly.
I find it hypocritical that people are mourning this guy when everyone treated
him like garbage. Especially on fxnet.
People die every day, dude. You don't have to be old to die.
Millionaire wasn't elderly.
I find it hypocritical that people are mourning this guy when everyone treated
him like garbage. Especially on fxnet.
Well, there may be some that realize they didn't treat him so well who
are reflecting on their actions and not feeling so great about them. So maybe those are not mourning him so much as wishing they'd acted differently.
I suspect that for people who were already adults and working professionals in the 1970s and 1980s when BBS'ing as a hobby took off, they are now in their 80s and 90s, if not older, and we'll continue to see the same sort of trickle of long goodbyes.
People die every day, dude. You don't have to be old to die.
Millionaire wasn't elderly.
I find it hypocritical that people are mourning this guy when everyone treated
him like garbage. Especially on fxnet.
Well, there may be some that realize they didn't treat him so well who are reflecting on their actions and not feeling so great about them. So maybe those are not mourning him so much as wishing they'd acted differently.
yeah i'm not really sure why anyone would feel bad about it after the fact. i'm surely not going to reconsider other things i post just because i think the person might kick the bucket soon. do people get a free pass to be annoying because they're ill? NOPE
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!
There was a guy local to me that was my first experience on FidoNet. It opened a whole new world to me. But I remembered that he was "older" at the time. I looked up his name and saw he owned a house in plantation so I wrote him a letter and he wrote me back! Still doing great in his 80s.
i think the person might kick the bucket soon. do people get a free pass to be annoying because they're ill? NOPE
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: MRO to fusion on Mon Jun 10 2024 01:25 pm
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!
Because it's mauve?
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!
Because it's mauve?
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!
Because it's mauve?
Hello Digital,
On Mon, Jun 10 2024 19:19:44 -0500, you wrote:
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!
Because it's mauve?
I thought it was salmon? ;)
Was he really that annoying? Usually he just tried to post some conversation starters, but it seemed not everyone was interested in those posts. IMO that's hardly annoying.
On Mon, Jun 10 2024 19:19:44 -0500, you wrote:
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!
Because it's mauve?
I thought it was salmon? ;)
Nightfox wrote to fusion <=-
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: fusion to Dumas Walker on Mon Jun 10 2024 01:39 pm
i think the person might kick the bucket soon. do people get a free pass to be annoying because they're ill? NOPE
Was he really that annoying? Usually he just tried to post some conversation starters, but it seemed not everyone was interested
in those posts. IMO that's hardly annoying.
On 10 Jun 2024, Accession said the following...
On Mon, Jun 10 2024 19:19:44 -0500, you wrote:
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!
Because it's mauve?
I thought it was salmon? ;)
lol i like salmon. i happen to be wearing a salmon colored t-shirt right now ;)
There was a guy local to me that was my first experience on FidoNet.
That being said, I have an ungodly amount of carhartt shirts. like i can fill 2 of the biggest sterlilite containers with them. non of them are pink.
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: MRO to fusion on Mon Jun 10 2024 09:53 pm
That being said, I have an ungodly amount of carhartt shirts. like i can fill 2 of the biggest sterlilite containers with them. non of them are pink.
Carhartt T-shirts are all I wear (except when visiting customers for meetings and such. I will wear them when working in a customer plant.)
They are my favorites...
I don't want people knowing my favorite color!Because it's mauve?
I thought it was salmon? ;)
I have THREE salmon shirts. All the cool kids these days wear salmon.
They last forever, but get pocket rips if you keep your phone in there.
There was a guy local to me that was my first experience on FidoNet.
This reminds me that I have completely lost touch with my original FidoNet guru. He was also older than me and lived in a nearby city. He was NC264 from the beginning of net 264 and I took it over from him probably around 1990 or so. I wish I knew how to connect with him again, if for no other reason than to say hello.
Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: Mickey to Accession on Tue Jun 11 2024 07:08 pm
I have THREE salmon shirts. All the cool kids these days wear salmon.
Wasn't pink the new black for a while?
The entire fido archives (or a decent amount) are availble somewhere. I was able to read through some older posts that way, might have some leads for you.
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: The Lizard Master to Bf2k+ on Wed Jun 12 2024 03:59 am
The entire fido archives (or a decent amount) are availble somewhere.
was able to read through some older posts that way, might have some leads for you.
Thanks for that info... I'll look around.
Quoting Mro to Phigan <=-
Wasn't pink the new black for a while?
if you are gay
I'll never tell my favorite color.
(By the way, it seems to me The Millionaire achieved his goal of starting a conversation with that favourite color question. Too bad he didn't live to see it)
We know it is black, because it matches your heart.
MRO wrote to phigan <=-
Wasn't pink the new black for a while?
if you are gay
P.S. I don't think the pain pills have worn off yet but I'm sending this anyway becuase I think it's funny.
MRO wrote to phigan <=-
Wasn't pink the new black for a while?
if you are gay
(Looks down at my coho salmon polo shirt, picture of my wife and two kids.)
Being on pain pills that haven't worn off yet is the best time to post on BBSes and social media. :D
MRO wrote to phigan <=-
Wasn't pink the new black for a while?
if you are gay
(Looks down at my coho salmon polo shirt, picture of my wife and two
Wasn't pink the new black for a while?
if you are gay
(Looks down at my coho salmon polo shirt, picture of my wife and two kids.)
i mean.. that doesn't prove anything. let's see how that shirt looks under a blacklight ;)
(By the way, it seems to me The Millionaire achieved his goal of starting a
conversation with that favourite color question. Too bad he didn't live to
see it)
Nobody found his obituary, so there's no proof he died.
Quoting Dumas Walker to Tiny <=-
P.S. I don't think the pain pills have worn off yet but I'm sending this
Being on pain pills that haven't worn off yet is the best time to post
on BBSes and social media. :D
Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: fusion to poindexter FORTRAN on Fri Jun 14 2024 12:30 pm
i thought he adopted his kids. and I knew a gay guy who called his other dude his wife 'jenny'.
Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
By: MRO to Arelor on Thu Jun 13 2024 07:48 am
Nobody found his obituary, so there's no proof he died.
i thought he adopted his kids. and I knew a gay guy who called his other dude his wife 'jenny'.
Jennifer is a good name. I don't know why anyone crazy enough to do a stunt like that, but that's sad.
Quoting Mro to Cr1mson <=-
well because back then in the 90s people didnt talk about how they
were gay all day. now everyone is gay and you can't talk about being straight.
i dont talk period and dont want other people to talk about their orientation. i don't want to see it, i don't want to hear it.
Sysop: | Chris Crash |
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