• Chat Bug in sbbs

    From plt@VERT/SBBSVA to All on Fri Jun 18 11:27:15 2021
    I may have found a nother bug in sbbs chat function. If you press control -U then select the users node number it will not force the chat to start. If you do not use control-U and just select he users node number it works fine.

    ³ Chat Menu ³
    Û J Join/initiate multinode chat Û
    Û P Join/start private node/node chat Û
    Û C Chat with the sysop Û
    Û T Talk with The Guru (AI) Û
    Û F Finger (Query) remote user/system Û
    Û R Internet Relay Chat Û
    Û I Inter-BBS Instant Messaging Û
    Û D Allow paging off/on Û
    Û A Activity alerts off/on Û
    Û S Split screen private chat Û
    Û Q Quit chat menu Û
    Anytime: ^Users online ^Private msg

    Chat: P

    Node, User name, #Number, 'Handle, or ^User list: 2

    Node Status
    1 plt in chat section via ssh (P) 2 errors
    2 Hp at main menu via telnet 1 error

    Node, User name, #Number, 'Handle, or ^User list: 2

    Waiting for Node 2 to join private chat. Hit Ctrl-C to abort.

    þ Synchronet þ sbbs.dynu.net 2025
  • From Altere@VERT/ATHEL to plt on Sat Jun 19 00:08:46 2021
    Re: Chat Bug in sbbs
    By: plt to All on Fri Jun 18 2021 04:27 am

    I may have found a nother bug in sbbs chat function. If you press control -U then select the users node number it will not force the chat to start. If you do not use control-U and just select he users node number it works fine.

    I can't figure out what you're talking about. CTRL-U -> C -> user gives me the same result as going to the [C]hat -> P -> user.

    Also, only a chat initiating from a sysop account will force the other user into chat.


    þ Synchronet þ Athelstan BBS þ athelstan.org þ telnet:23 / ssh:2222