I'm running a Synchronet Windows build from August 1st. With my reader, I forwarded a message in a sub-board to myself on my BBS, and it used my real name for the 'from' header field. With my reader, I try to reply to it, and my reader calls system.matchuser() to get the user number to reply to the appropriate person (in this case, I'm replying to myself, doing some testing). Apparently, system.matchuser() is unable to find the user record with my real name - system.matchuser() is returning 0 with my real name. Is that expected?
Re: system.matchuser() not finding user by real name
By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Thu Aug 15 2019 07:08 pm
I'm running a Synchronet Windows build from August 1st. With my reader, I forwarded a message in a sub-board to myself on my BBS, and it used my real name for the 'from' header field. With my reader, I try to reply to it, and my reader calls system.matchuser() to get the user number to reply to the appropriate person (in this case, I'm replying to myself, doing some testing). Apparently, system.matchuser() is unable to find the user record with my real name - system.matchuser() is returning 0 with my real name. Is that expected?
Now that I think about it, I suppose that behavior might be expected. It's possible there might be multiple users who happen to have the same real name. I guess I just hadn't noticed (or hadn't remembered) that behavior before.
Sysop: | Chris Crash |
Location: | Huntington Beach, CA. |
Users: | 595 |
Nodes: | 8 (0 / 8) |
Uptime: | 14:30:23 |
Calls: | 10,784 |
Files: | 5 |
Messages: | 468,533 |