• Testing pong.pl

    From Warpslide@21:3/110 to All on Mon Nov 18 09:26:42 2024
    Hi All,

    Could I get one or more people to help me test this ping script?

    I'll need someone to send me a netmail

    To: Ping

    and another

    To: PingC

    (The case in the To: field shouldn't matter, the script should respond to ping, PING or even PiNg).

    Please send one to 21:3/110 and another to one of my other addresses
    (1:229/664 or 618:400/23).

    You should receive a response from the address you sent to. If you send to Ping you should receive a routed response. If you send to PingC you should receive a direct response.

    This script also supports TRACE responses where the script will still respond if a Ping netmail passes through, but isn't specifically addressed to that system.

    This script was taken from Deon's fidohub repository and butchered by yours truly. If you wanted to take a look or if you run hpt and wanted to try it yourself, you can see the script here:


    I'm not a programmer or anything, so this may not be the best or even the correct way to do any of this. It seems to work here well enough but if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces. If anyone has any suggestions or modifications I'd be happy to see them.


    ... What time did the man go to the dentist? Tooth hurt-y

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Zip@21:1/202 to Warpslide on Mon Nov 18 20:30:42 2024
    Hello Warpslide!

    On 18 Nov 2024, Warpslide said the following...

    Could I get one or more people to help me test this ping script?

    Sent (routed) to 21:3/110 and 1:229/664, both to Ping and PingC. I received replies only for the FidoNet ones; a PONGC reply ("Your PINGC request has been received at its final destination") and two "An In-transit PING request was received and forwarded onward" (one for the Ping and one for the PingC).

    I also received a TRACE response from "Ping TRACE service" at 1:320/219.

    Hope this helps!

    Best regards

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (21:1/202)
  • From Matty@21:1/246 to Warpslide on Mon Nov 18 14:39:01 2024
    Hi All,

    Could I get one or more people to help me test this ping script?

    I'll need someone to send me a netmail

    Warpslide, after I send this message I'll sent the tests you requested. Note sure if I have access to the 618 network, I'll try anyway.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: bbs.CabanaBar.net:11123 (21:1/246)
  • From Matty@21:1/246 to Warpslide on Mon Nov 18 14:46:35 2024
    I got replies from both the Ping and PingC on fsxnet, nothing back yet from the Fidonet.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: bbs.CabanaBar.net:11123 (21:1/246)
  • From Matty@21:1/246 to Warpslide on Mon Nov 18 14:58:32 2024
    I also received a response from FidoNet, I have forwarded you personally the responses.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: bbs.CabanaBar.net:11123 (21:1/246)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to Warpslide on Tue Nov 19 09:22:00 2024
    Re: Testing pong.pl
    By: Warpslide to All on Mon Nov 18 2024 09:26 am


    Could I get one or more people to help me test this ping script?

    Just sent two, one to each ping/pingc.

    I'll let you know what response I get (and you could see the routed response in clrghouz).

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to Warpslide on Tue Nov 19 09:26:53 2024
    Re: Testing pong.pl
    By: deon to Warpslide on Tue Nov 19 2024 09:22 am


    Could I get one or more people to help me test this ping script?

    Just sent two, one to each ping/pingc.

    So they both worked a treat (I only sent to fsxnet).

    I noticed the pingc response had a fido via line:

    X-FTN-MSGID 21:3/110 673bbdea
    X-FTN-REPLY 21:2/116 2ba110c0
    X-FTN-Flags DIR IMM
    X-FTN-Kludge Via 1:229/664 @20241118.222130.UTC hpt/lnx 1.9 2024-03-02 SenderNetType FidoNet
    SenderNetAddr 21:3/110
    ToNetType FidoNet
    ToNetAddr 21:2/116

    I remember trying to fix that with hpt, and dont think I did. But it probably doesnt matter as I received it just fine :)

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)
  • From slacker@21:3/193 to Warpslide on Sat Nov 23 06:27:59 2024

    Please send one to 21:3/110 and another to one of my other addresses (1:229/664 or 618:400/23).

    I've received a response from ping on the fsxnet node but nothing else so far...

    --- NE BBS v0.69 (linux; x64)
    * Origin: NE BBS - nebbs.servehttp.com:9223 (21:3/193)
  • From Warpslide@21:3/110 to slacker on Sat Nov 23 06:51:24 2024
    On 23 Nov 2024, slacker said the following...

    I've received a response from ping on the fsxnet node but nothing else so far...

    Thank you sir,

    I see a PING & PINGC request from you here. I do have your PINGC response sitting in my outbound but since you're not in the nodelist as of yet I am unable to automagically send it directly to you.

    C 00:56:06 pong.pl: Make PONG to PING request: area=netmail; toname=ping; toaddr=21:3/110; fromname=slacker; fromaddr=21:3/193
    C 00:56:21 pong.pl: Make PONGC to PING request: area=netmail; toname=pingc; toaddr=21:3/110; fromname=slacker; fromaddr=21:3/193

    * Origin: NE BBS - nebbs.servehttp.com:9223 (21:3/193)

    I'll add a manual binkd entry with your hostname & see what happens.

    [time passes]

    I added an entry in binkd but it looks like you're not accepting incoming binkp connections:

    $ nc -v nebbs.servehttp.com 24554
    nc: connect to nebbs.servehttp.com ( port 24554 (tcp) failed: Connection refused


    ... I want to be what I was when I started to be what I am now

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Warpslide@21:3/110 to deon on Sat Nov 23 07:05:54 2024
    On 19 Nov 2024, deon said the following...

    So they both worked a treat (I only sent to fsxnet).

    I noticed the pingc response had a fido via line:

    X-FTN-Kludge Via 1:229/664 @20241118.222130.UTC hpt/lnx 1.9

    Hmm, you're right. I have slacker's direct response sitting here in my outbound and the packet itself is from my fido aka even though the message is addressed correctly:

    $ pktinfo -h 000300c1.iut
    PktInfo/lnx 1.9 2024-03-02

    Packet header ============================================================================== Filename : 000300c1.iut
    OrigAddr : 1:229/664.0
    DestAddr : 21:3/193.0
    AuxNet : 0
    CapWord : 0x0001
    DateCreation : Sat 2024-11-23 00:56:21
    Password : ""
    ProdCode : 10ff
    ProdVersion : 1.9

    Message header ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From : "Ping Robot"
    To : "slacker"
    Subject : "PONGC: poingc test"
    DateTime : "23 Nov 24 00:56:20"
    Attr : 0x0001 -> Private
    OrigAddr : 3/110
    DestAddr : 3/193

    I remember trying to fix that with hpt, and dont think I did. But it probably doesnt matter as I received it just fine :)

    As long as it works, I guess we can go with one of these three:

    "If it ain't broke don't fix it"
    "If it looks stupid but it works, it ain't stupid"
    "If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you're lucky"


    ... Da trouble wit computers is, dey got no sense of humor

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From slacker@21:3/193 to Warpslide on Sun Nov 24 06:10:30 2024

    I added an entry in binkd but it lo
    oks like you're not accepting incom
    ing binkp connections:

    $ nc -v nebbs.servehttp.com 24554
    nc: connect to nebbs.servehttp.com
    ( port 24554 (tcp) fai
    led: Connection refused

    Oops, sorry. That was on me. I have binkd polling but didn't have the daemon running. I just spun it up and sent out another pingc test.

    --- NE BBS v0.69 (linux; x64)
    * Origin: NE BBS - nebbs.servehttp.com:9223 (21:3/193)
  • From Warpslide@21:3/110 to slacker on Sun Nov 24 07:12:06 2024
    On 24 Nov 2024, slacker said the following...

    Oops, sorry. That was on me. I have binkd polling but didn't have the daemon running. I just spun it up and sent out another pingc test.

    Added that temporary entry back into binkd and was able to send you the two replies. Once your node is listed in the nodelist it looks like it will work going forward.

    07:04 [10648] BEGIN, binkd/1.1a-115/Linux -p /usr/local/etc/binkd.conf
    07:04 [10648] clientmgr started
    i- 21:3/193@fsxnet
    + 07:04 [10649] call to 21:3/193@fsxnet
    07:04 [10649] trying nebbs.servehttp.com []...
    07:04 [10649] connected
    + 07:04 [10649] outgoing session with nebbs.servehttp.com:24554 [] - 07:04 [10649] OPT CRAM-MD5-<md5stuff>
    + 07:04 [10649] Remote requests MD mode
    - 07:04 [10649] SYS NE BBS
    - 07:04 [10649] ZYZ Erik_
    - 07:04 [10649] LOC LI, NY
    - 07:04 [10649] NDL 115200,TCP,BINKP
    - 07:04 [10649] TIME Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:04:25 -0500
    - 07:04 [10649] VER binkd/1.1a-115/Linux binkp/1.1
    + 07:04 [10649] addr: 21:3/193@fsxnet
    - 07:04 [10649] OPT EXTCMD GZ
    + 07:04 [10649] Remote supports EXTCMD mode
    + 07:04 [10649] Remote supports GZ mode
    + 07:04 [10649] sending /home/ubuntu/fido/outbound.015/000300c1.iut as 838e31d3.pkt (1913)
    07:04 [10649] gzip mode is on for 838e31d3.pkt
    07:04 [10649] Compressed 1913 bytes to 775 for 838e31d3.pkt, ratio 40.5%
    + 07:04 [10649] sent: /home/ubuntu/fido/outbound.015/000300c1.iut (1913, 1913.00 CPS, 21:3/193@fsxnet)
    + 07:04 [10649] done (to 21:3/193@fsxnet, OK, S/R: 1/0 (1913/0 bytes))
    07:04 [10649] session closed, quitting...
    07:04 [10648] rc(10649)=0
    07:04 [10648] the queue is empty, quitting...


    ... A day for firm decisions! Or is it?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From slacker@21:3/193 to Warpslide on Mon Nov 25 06:41:24 2024

    Added that temporary entry back into binkd and was able to send you the tw
    o replies. Once your node is listed in the nodelist it looks like it will
    work going forward.

    All good! I received the pingc netmail responses now!

    Just a QQ though about where it was sent from. When I decoded the incoming packet, the packet header has the orig address as: 1:229/664 for some reason while the message id has the address: 21:3/110.

    The 'month' field is also set to '10' so I might have a decoding error but this is the first odd packet header I've come across so far.

    I tried loading into Deon's packet viewer on Clearing Houz but it errored there as well.

    --- NE BBS v0.69 (linux; x64)
    * Origin: NE BBS - nebbs.servehttp.com:9223 (21:3/193)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to slacker on Tue Nov 26 11:07:06 2024
    Re: Re: Testing pong.pl
    By: slacker to Warpslide on Mon Nov 25 2024 06:41 am


    The 'month' field is also set to '10' so I might have a decoding error but this is the first odd packet header I've come across so far.

    Yes, months in an FTN packet start at "0", so November would be 10.

    I tried loading into Deon's packet viewer on Clearing Houz but it errored there as well.

    What was the error. I'd be keen to fix this if it is showing the wrong information.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)
  • From slacker@21:3/193 to deon on Wed Nov 27 06:40:37 2024

    Yes, months in an FTN packet start
    at "0", so November would be 10.

    Ah! Okay cool. Thanks so that value was correct. :)

    What was the error. I'd be keen to
    fix this if it is showing the wrong

    "Attempt to read property "zone" on null (/var/www/html/app/Classes/FTN/Packet.php:465)"

    I can email the packet as well to you if needed.


    --- NE BBS v0.69 (linux; x64)
    * Origin: NE BBS - nebbs.servehttp.com:9223 (21:3/193)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to slacker on Wed Nov 27 21:09:12 2024
    Re: Re: Testing pong.pl
    By: slacker to deon on Wed Nov 27 2024 06:40 am


    "Attempt to read property "zone" on null (/var/www/html/app/Classes/FTN/Packet.php:465)"

    I can email the packet as well to you if needed.

    Yes please.

    It might be a bad packet (missing some control information that identifies the source source address) - but regardless, I'd like to report as such, rather than aborting on an error :)

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)
  • From slacker@21:3/193 to deon on Fri Nov 29 17:10:36 2024

    Yes please.

    It might be a bad packet (missing s
    ome control information that identi
    fies the source source address) - b
    ut regardless, I'd like to report a
    s such, rather than aborting on an
    error :)

    Sorry, I forgot to ping you here as well but I emailed the packet to you the other day. Hopefully it didn't get blocked because of the attachment.

    --- NE BBS v0.69 (linux; x64)
    * Origin: NE BBS - nebbs.servehttp.com:9223 (21:3/193)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to slacker on Sat Nov 30 09:34:53 2024
    Re: Re: Testing pong.pl
    By: slacker to deon on Fri Nov 29 2024 05:10 pm


    Sorry, I forgot to ping you here as well but I emailed the packet to you the other day. Hopefully it didn't get blocked because of the attachment.

    Yup, I got it thank you.

    Havent looked yet - I've been travelling... But I'll take a look hopefully over the weekend.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to slacker on Sun Dec 1 12:50:52 2024
    Re: Re: Testing pong.pl
    By: deon to slacker on Sat Nov 30 2024 09:34 am


    Havent looked yet - I've been travelling... But I'll take a look hopefully over the weekend.

    So I looked at this and fixed up the abort to display a better error message :)

    In this case, that packet was from a zone 1 address (fidonet), to a zone 21 address, and since clrghouz is domain aware (and somewhat fussy), it was erroring on telling you that there is no zone 21 in the zone 1 domain (fidonet).

    It'll be related to how hpt is responding to messages inside of perl, and picking the wrong AKA. It shouldnt be an issue in normal situations.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)