|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Nitron |08:|07 sol go *BURP*
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0801/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 |08|0802/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 Pero ser� de di�! Ahijuna canejo!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0802/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 Discover Nodebook, a telnet & BBS directory. Wi
|06 NerdRage BBS |08:|07 50 addresses to discover! No account needed to
|11 |08:|07 just call HYPERNODE.DDNS.NET and select Nodeboo
|11 |08:|07 the matrix login menu! More then just a BBS lis
|11 |08:|07 popular MUDs, APIs and other unique addresses y
|11 |08:|07 find on other lists! -Mm
|11 |08:|07 |08|0803/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Engineer |08:|07 Boomchow Monkey Cow!!!
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 |08|0804/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Stingray |08:|07 a-net-online.lol / mystic.a-net-online.lol 3 3
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 with access to over 300 Door Gam
|11 |08:|07 online.lol -- 2 Synchronet Servers a and one My
|11 |08:|07 linux server. 1,000/1,000 fiber
|11 |08:|07 |08|0803/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 a-net-online.lol / mystic.a-net-online.lol -- A
|06 dawnCHAOTIC |08:|07 Online BBS w/ access to over 300 Door Games. 3
|11 |08:|07 on 1,000/1,000 fiber
|11 |08:|07 |08|0803/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Arlequin |08:|07 waiting for flashparty!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0804/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 Ya es la Flash Party? Y ahora? Ya? Arranca?
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0804/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Don Epi |08:|07 Tomorrow (saturday) FlashParty 2024 - The best
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 demoparty ever
|11 |08:|07 |08|0804/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Stingray |08:|07 |04Fl|01As|04h
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 |08|0804/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |04Fl|01As|04h
|06 dawnCHAOTIC |08:|07 |08|0804/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 mafiath |08:|07 heyooo putting my stamp in ;) entered last RC r
|06 |08:|07 my local track finishing building and wiring my
|11 |08:|07 this weekend
|11 |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 th3r00t |08:|07 o7 Hello world, anyone alive out there?
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 |08|0804/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 The Godfather |08:|07 alive we are!
|06 The Underground BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Codefenix |08:|07 Still kickin'.... :D
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 En directo, en la previa de Flashparty 2024!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 Vamoooo la Flasshhhhh!!!!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 Arranc� Flash Party 2024!!!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Akira |08:|07 Saludos a la Flash Party 2024!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Megasoftarg |08:|07 Gracias EPI ... vamos la FLASH !!!!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Diskhe |08:|07 Vamoooo la FLASH!!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 Que bien que le hace The Vault BBS a la demosce
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 Gracias!!!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0805/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 ALMOST CRIED WHEN I SAW YOU WERE
|11 |08:|07 :(( LONG LIVE CONCHAOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0806/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Pac90s |08:|07 Hola gente fui a primer flashparty estuvo
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 genial,felicidades
|11 |08:|07 |08|0806/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 �Que espectacular la presentaci�n de Don Epi y
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 la Flash Party 2024!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0807/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Anachronist |08:|07 |10iMPURE #88 is out now!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0807/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Don Epi |08:|07 Thank you very much, Teno!!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0810/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 aNACHRONiST |08:|07 |10iMPURE #88 is out!
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 |08|0807/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 beda |08:|07 Never give up your illusions. When they have ce
|06 Shibboleths |08:|07 you will still exist, but have ended to live. M
|11 |08:|07 Twain . q
|11 |08:|07 |08|0811/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Engineer |08:|07 Veni Vidi Vici
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 |08|0813/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 paulie420 |08:|07 Anoter weekend winds down... BBSing survived an
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 week - hope ya'll had a great week!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0813/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 voidstar |08:|07 Ye ol'e 8-bit. It's like a single lane dirt ro
|06 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 |08|0821/08
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Sirius64 |08:|07 Hey Folks, nice BBS
|06 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 |08|0807/09
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 ZINC |08:|07 Hi from Glasgow, logging in on a BBC Micro usin
|06 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 ANSI term emu Been watching your videos for
|11 |08:|07 while Al. Great content. Featured your channel
|11 |08:|07 BBS, which runs on a BBC Master.
|11 |08:|07 nightowlbbs.ddns.net:6400 Viewdata only
|11 |08:|07 |08|0813/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 opicron |08:|07 Like TheDrawFonts? Realtime generated previews
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 available on the beta version of vbase! Check i
|11 |08:|07 @theforze :p
|11 |08:|07 |08|0815/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 hoo |08:|07 Dialin in from WV
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 |08|0815/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Engineer |08:|07 Leaves are falling all around...Time I was on m
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 way...
|11 |08:|07 |08|0819/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Checs |08:|07 Love and good vibes to all Vaulters, feeling ho
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 this BBS
|11 |08:|07 |08|0818/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Don Epi |08:|07 The Vault Jukebox!! - ANSI-Music as never seen.
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 heard before! - thevaultbbs.ddns.net:2323 Sync
|11 |08:|07 with hidden status bar
|11 |08:|07 |08|0818/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Uctumi |08:|07 Felicitaciones al vaultage por esta nueva
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 incorporaci�n del jukebox, cuando pueda voy a
|11 |08:|07 contribuir.
|11 |08:|07 |08|0819/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Engineer |08:|07 Everything important in the world is rooted in
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 conspiracy!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0820/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 zerosouls |08:|07 Things are looking good here
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 |08|0820/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Matt Taph |08:|07 Running late is my cardio..
|06 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 |08|0822/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 nelgin |08:|07 If you're in the US...go and vote!
|06 End Of The Line BBS |08:|07 |08|0824/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 The Godfather |08:|07 Been a while since I've logged into my 132x37 t
|06 The Underground BBS |08:|07 loving it for sure! Greetings from The Undergr
|11 |08:|07 |08|0825/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 jas hud |08:|07 will set you up on scinet this weekend bro
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 |08|0827/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Havok |08:|07 Jas when did scinet start back up?
|06 After Hours BBS |08:|07 |08|0829/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 Impresionante la Jukebox de The Vault BBS
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0829/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Stingray |08:|07 The ConChaos BBS Halloween Theme is killer! Che
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 out conchaos.synchro.net
|11 |08:|07 |08|0831/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Peron |08:|07 Frente al abuso de las mal llamadas "redes soci
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 basadas en empresas, hemos de democratizar la
|11 |08:|07 comunicaci�n gracias a plataformas digitales
|11 |08:|07 descentralizadas, respetuosas con los usuarios
|11 |08:|07 privacidad e interoperables, cuyo fin sea promo
|11 |08:|07 contacto humano e intercultural.
|11 |08:|07 |08|0831/10
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Don't miss the MRC meetup this Saturday at 20:0
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 |08|0802/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 The Godfather |08:|07 Opicron great job on iChat 3.1! Love the 132x3
|06 The Underground BBS |08:|07 support! Looks great on The Underground!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0803/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 bamageek |08:|07 Minecraft server up and running! davesbbs.com:2
|06 Dave's BBS |08:|07 |08|0805/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Stingray |08:|07 aneto.synchro.net / mystic.a-net-online.lol A-N
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 Online BBSs
|11 |08:|07 |08|0805/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Stingray |08:|07 NICE, I'll try to make this MRC
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 |08|0807/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |10As a Veteran, please remember to thank a vet
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 this weekend. |09Thank you all for your serv
|11 |08:|07 |08|0808/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Engineer |08:|07 ABLE WAS I ERE I SAW ELBA
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 |08|0809/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Ragnarok |08:|07 hola Viejarada.. Aguante la Universidad publica
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0810/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Fer |08:|07 |08|0811/11
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 Army 19D ARNG 63W 1998-2006
|11 |08:|07 |08|0811/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Engineer |08:|07 Happy Veteran's Day!
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 |08|0812/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 Anyone excited for ThanksGiving? :)
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0815/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 thenerdengineer8 |08:|07 I am
|06 |08:|07 |08|0817/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 thenerdengineer8 |08:|07 Also, to any veterans here, thank you for your
|06 |08:|07 service.
|11 |08:|07 |08|0817/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Godfather |08:|07 Apams Starlight BBS is looking fantastic!
|06 Starlight |08:|07 |08|0818/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 Thank you, @ thenerdengineer8
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0817/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmandan |08:|07 It's Monday and it feels like I could use a wee
|06 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07 do-over. But then, that's every Monday
|11 |08:|07 |08|0818/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07
|11 |08:|07 I agree
|11 |08:|07 |08|0818/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmandan |08:|07 hump day everyone. can friday come sooner pleas
|06 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07 pretty please? with a cherry on top?
|11 |08:|07 |08|0820/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 Calcmandan: Friday is finally here!!! TGIF Eve
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0822/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Engineer |08:|07 57,600 Baud would be like infinity if it was 19
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 |08|0823/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07
|11 |08:|07
|11 |08:|07 |10This is true!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0822/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 SoDa7 |08:|07 It's lovely to go back to BBSes after a long ti
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 |08|0823/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 Visit Hypernode BBS today @ HYPERNODE.DDNS.NET
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 BlueSky APP @ hypernode.bsky.social !!! Mm_
|11 |08:|07 |08|0824/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |10a-net-online.bsky.social |11A-Net Online joi
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |01BlueSky APP |12Thanks MaxMouse!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0827/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |10To those that celebrate |58Thanksgiving |11H
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 |58THANKSGIVING
|11 |08:|07 |08|0828/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 toshi |08:|07 hi guys
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 |08|0828/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 SyncTERM v1.3 works nice - thank you Deuce! Als
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 in the AUR an installer fo
|11 |08:|07 interested, package is called "syncterm-git"
|11 |08:|07 |08|0829/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmandan |08:|07 But would the copper wires be capable of handli
|06 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07 56kbps modems in 1980?
|11 |08:|07 |08|0823/11
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 apam |08:|07 I don't see why not, 56kbps modems were using c
|06 Starlight |08:|07 wires i n late 90s, and I don't think the wires
|11 |08:|07 have been any different..
|11 |08:|07 |08|0802/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Codefenix |08:|07 Back to the Monday fun after a long weekend...
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 Monday from ConChaos! :P
|11 |08:|07 |08|0802/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 Happy Monday Chaos!! Back to the grind after a
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 weekend. - A-Net Online BBSs
|11 |08:|07 |08|0802/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmandan |08:|07 I only had a four-day weekend. Though I did con
|06 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07 taking today off, to sort-of relax from the
|11 |08:|07 weekend.
|11 |08:|07 |08|0802/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Codefenix |08:|07 |12The |10MiSTiGRiS |12 Advent Calendar is onli
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 good |12people! |15
|11 |08:|07 |15Let's wassail!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0803/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Stern |08:|07 wahoo!
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 |08|0803/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 The Advent Calendar is so awesome! Excellent wo
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 everyone involved! Incredible job!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0803/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Don Epi |08:|07 Awesome calendar, awesome year for textart ;)
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0804/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 apam |08:|07 Visit Bloodlust! bloodlust.envybbs.org:2023
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 |08|0805/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmandan |08:|07 bloop. It's Friday eve
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0805/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |10TGIF |11 is it 5PM yet? |09asking for a frie
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 |08|0806/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 osprey |08:|07 it's 5pm somewhere, right?
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 |08|0809/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 Osprey gets it :) Happy Monday, hope everyone
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 great week!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0809/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 80x25, 132x37, or something else?
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 |08|0811/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 Call Hypernode BBS today! Hypernode.ddns.net
|06 dawnCHAOTIC |08:|07 |08|0811/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Panchomanera |08:|07 |08|0812/12
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmadan |08:|07 i need to find the packet for this wall so i ca
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 it to my bbs
|11 |08:|07 |08|0812/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 slacker |08:|07 First test post to wall from my BBS..
|06 NE BBS |08:|07 |08|0813/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 Got you here slacker
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0813/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 Happy Holidays & New Year 2025!
|06 dawnCHAOTIC |08:|07 |08|0813/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 The Godfather |08:|07 This BBS is looking sweet!
|06 dawnCHAOTIC |08:|07 |08|0813/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 toshi |08:|07 |08|0814/12
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 TheGeekOnSkates |08:|07 Merry Christmas, ladies and geeks!
|06 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 |08|0815/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 apam |08:|07 Does this work??
|06 Bloodlust |08:|07 |08|0815/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |10It does |02apam
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0815/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 apam |08:|07 Hooray! Thankyou :)
|06 Bloodlust |08:|07 |08|0815/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 My first Python mod now available for testing o
|06 NerdRage BBS |08:|07 Hypernode BBS! View current trending Google sea
|11 |08:|07 and see what everyone is searching for right no
|11 |08:|07
|11 |08:|07 |08|0815/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 It works awesome, |13MaxMouse|07!
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0815/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Bucko |08:|07 Been a while since I was in here. How's everyon
|06 The Wrong Number ][ BBS|08:|07 doing?!?
|11 |08:|07 |08|0815/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmandan |08:|07 suuupppppp
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0817/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |10 Doing well - |11How's everyone today?
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0817/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Roon |08:|07 keep on jumpin'!
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 |08|0817/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 slacker |08:|07 This December is flying by. I can't believe tha
|06 NE BBS |08:|07 Christmas is in like a week!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0818/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 apam |08:|07 The whole year flew by for me.. I think time ge
|06 Bloodlust |08:|07 quicker the older you get :/
|11 |08:|07 |08|0818/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 Hypernode BBS now on Bluesky! Follow Hypernode
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 for the latests updates on Hypernode, textmo
|11 |08:|07 and other related retro tech inspiration.
|11 |08:|07 @hypernode.bsky.social --'-',-',-',@ <3
|11 |08:|07 |08|0818/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Guest |08:|07 Hello from France
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 |08|0818/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 Hello France, Good morning from the US =:-)
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0818/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Don Epi |08:|07 Epimundo in textmode is back! - 80x25 madness!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07
|11 |08:|07 |08|0819/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Codefenix |08:|07 |12Seasons |10Greetings |15from |09ConChaos|01!
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 |08|0819/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 The Godfather |08:|07 Merry Christmas from The Underground! and from
|06 The Underground BBS |08:|07 to another Thanks for the early gift |10Don Epi
|11 |08:|07 can't wait to watch the new video!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0819/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 apam |08:|07 Happy Holidays!
|06 Bloodlust |08:|07 |08|0820/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 Merry Christmas from Hypernode BBS! hypernode.d
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 : 23
|11 |08:|07 |08|0821/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 phigan |08:|07 Dang, I need to get on this wall.
|06 NE BBS |08:|07 |08|0823/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Roon |08:|07 Merry Xmas folks!
|06 Roon's BBS |08:|07 |08|0823/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 paulie420 |08:|07 Merry Christmas you beautiful BBS r0ckstars...
|06 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 from 2oFB - another year passes
|11 |08:|07 Holidaze to each and every one!!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0823/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |04Merry |02Christmas |10Eve |01A-Net Online BB
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 |08|0824/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Teno |08:|07 Feliz Navidad para los hispanoparlantes Y para
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 otros tambien!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0824/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 slacker |08:|07 Merry Christmas everyone!
|06 NE BBS |08:|07 |08|0825/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Don Epi |08:|07 Feliz Navidad // Merry Christmas , Teno et al!!
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0825/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 LotusRubi |08:|07 Merry Christmas!! <3
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0825/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 LotusRubi |08:|07 |08|0825/12
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Skyn |08:|07 Merru Christmas!!
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 |08|0825/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 StingRay |08:|07 |10Merry Christmas. Hope everyone had a great d
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 |08|0825/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 calcmandan |08:|07 happy new year bitches
|06 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07 |08|0828/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 Don Epi |08:|07 happy sunday, textmode addicts! We love you all
|06 The Vault BBS |08:|07 |08|0829/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|06 |10A-Net Online BBSs|08:|07 |08|0829/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|15 MaxMouse |08:|07 Call Hypernode... January the final MONTH!!!
|06 A-Net Online Mystic BBS|08:|07 Hypernode.ddns.net Will maxmouse survive 202
|11 |08:|07 and find out!
|11 |08:|07 |08|0829/12
|08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64)
* Origin: The Vault BBS (21:4/167)