On 18 May 2023, Hawk said the following...
In Mystic Windows What would a batch file look like as an event to shut the board down - run: mutil packmessages.ini then when that's done bring the board back online?
Hawk (ACiD)
Piranha BBS (Reloaded)
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
* Origin: piranha.acid.org:27 With Full Bore RIPScrip Themes (21:2/158)
I just run that command as a weekly event. As a shell command, use "mutil weekly_maint.ini" in the event configuration.
I'm curious as to why you want to restart mis after running the packmessages.ini?
Here's my weekly_maint.ini:
; maint configuration file ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
; list of functions to perform on startup
PurgeMessageBases = true
PackMessageBases = true
PackFileBases = true
FileSort = true
PurgeUserBase = true
PackUserBase = true
; Set this value if you want to run mutil from a directory other than
; the root Mystic directory or the mysticbbs environment variable:
; If no directory is specified in the logfile name, mUtil will attempt
; to use the configured LOGS directory from in Mystic's configuration. ; Comment out to disable logging completely.logfile=i:\mystic\logs\mutil.log
; If set to TRUE (*HIGHLY* recommended for MUTIL) then it will write the
; log file in increments of 8KB at a time. If set to FALSE it will write
; each individual line as it is logged. This will significantly reduce
; MUTIL performance if set to FALSE.
; Level 1 = basic
; Level 2 = verbose
; Level 3 = debug
; Note that the loglevel can also be set in a specific stanza and that value ; will override the value defined here only for that specific stanza
; logfile time stamp. defaults to NNN DD HH:II:SS if not set here
; Log roller type:
; 0 = Do not roll log files
; 1 = Roll by number of files/filesize
; 2 = Roll by number of days
logtype = 2
; number of log files to keep (0 to disable log rolling)
maxlogfiles = 7
; size of each log file in kilobytes
maxlogsize = 100000
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
; No options for this function
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
; No options for this function
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
[Pack FileBases]
; If true, MUTIL will check to make sure files exist, and will update their
; file size in the listing, optionally removing missing files (remove_missing)
check_files = true
; If true, MUTIL will remove any files which do not exist from the file
; list database while checking integrity. Otherwise they will be flagged as
; OFFLINE in the file listing. 0 byte files are considered "missing"
remove_missing = false
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
[Link Messages]
; This function has no options
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
; Mark users for deletion that haven't called in days.
; This value cannot be less than 7
days = 180
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== [PackUserBase] ;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
[File Sort]
; Sort on which attribute (0=filename 1=size 2=date 3=downloads)
attribute = 0
; Sort direction 0=Ascending (A to Z, 1 to 10) 1=Descending (Z to A, 10 to 1)
direction = 0
;========================================================================== ;========================================================================== ;==========================================================================
Sysop, Altair IV BBS
... Light year: 1/3 less calories than your regular year
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
* Origin: Altair IV BBS (21:2/147)