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@NOSPAMvlad@transilvania.org (spacesst) to
on Tue May 19 23:21:35 2015
From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop
Top 163 groups sorted by number of articles read
Group NRead KBytes-Read
rec.food.cooking 4176 3484k 10009k
rec.arts.tv 2970 3144k 11489k
fr.soc.politique 2630 1643k 6117k
uk.d-i-y 959 911k 12157k
alt.usage.english 753 838k 11769k
alt.usenet.kooks 574 392k 2229k
talk.politics.guns 503 407k 1202k
alt.fan.rush-limbaugh 224 128k 2880k
alt.atheism 208 160k 12410k
uk.railway 79 40k 348k
alt.home.repair 79 37k 1080k
alt.humor.puns 77 31k 467k
alt.politics 74 15k 61k
sci.physics.relativity 73 36k 519k
rec.gambling.poker 73 33k 1248k
alt.support.depression 69 5k 298k
uk.legal 68 30k 1214k
fa.linux.kernel 62 30k 113k
uk.rec.motorcycles 59 15k 573k
rec.sport.tennis 58 31k 1003k
sci.physics 56 17k 879k
rec.sport.pro-wrestling 54 10k 1833k
rec.photo.digital 48 23k 249k
uk.politics.misc 47 18k 117k
sci.electronics.design 47 17k 454k
alt.revisionism 46 10k 63k
fr.rec.moto 45 4k 31k
alt.conspiracy 44 0k 450k
alt.slack 44 8k 78k
alt.arts.poetry.comments 44 5k 41k
rec.games.pinball 43 6k 185k
alt.happy.valley 42 13k 823k
rec.sport.football.college 42 7k 144k
soc.retirement 41 7k 264k
alt.books.louis-lamour 39 9k 66k
rec.crafts.metalworking 39 10k 68k
alt.comp.freeware 38 3k 73k
aus.cars 37 5k 282k
aus.tv 37 8k 33k
rec.arts.sf.written 37 8k 294k
alt.obituaries 37 5k 41k
soc.history.what-if 37 9k 148k
rec.arts.sf.fandom 37 9k 58k
rec.woodworking 36 4k 689k
alt.baldspot 36 5k 71k
alt.assassination.jfk 36 6k 160k
fr.rec.photo 36 3k 26k
uk.rec.cycling 36 3k 20k
comp.lang.javascript 35 6k 48k
talk.origins 35 3k 522k
alt.sysadmin.recovery 35 3k 64k
ba.broadcast 35 4k 18k
misc.health.alternative 35 4k 38k
rec.sport.soccer 35 4k 231k
rec.boats 35 3k 573k
alt.fifty-plus.friends 35 5k 61k
rec.outdoors.rv-travel 34 2k 167k
alt.astronomy 34 2k 73k
alt.bbs.renegade 34 1k 0k
sci.military.naval 34 4k 145k
alt.smokers.pipes 33 1k 11k
alt.bible.prophecy 33 2k 69k
alt.smokers.cigars 33 1k 5k
aus.politics 33 1k 511k
alt.cellular.verizon 32 0k 10k
rec.guns 32 2k 4k
alt.bbs.sysop 32 0k 0k
alt.christnet.prayer 32 0k 6k
alt.appalachian 32 1k 153k
rec.arts.drwho 32 1k 159k
alt.airports.uk.edinburgh 31 0k 5k
alt.bread.recipes 31 1k 7k
alt.bbs.mystic 31 0k 24k
alt.2600 31 0k 66k
can.politics 31 1k 50k
alt.support.diabetes 31 1k 89k
alt.comp.anti-virus 31 0k 1k
alt.messianic 31 1k 278k
alt.philosophy 31 0k 4k
alt.computer 31 2k 5k
comp.sys.apple2 31 1k 7k
comp.emulators.apple2 31 0k 2k
alt.guitar 31 1k 17k
soc.culture.usa 31 1k 5k
alt.forsale 30 0k 0k
alt.guitar.amps 30 0k 2k
alt.marketplace 30 0k 0k
soc.culture.quebec 30 0k 2k
alt.autos.toyota 30 0k 0k
alt.politics.usa 30 0k 3k
alt.pro-wrestling.wwf 30 0k 0k
alt.religion.christian 30 0k 0k
alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi 30 0k 0k
alt.rush-limbaugh 30 0k 0k
alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt 30 0k 4k
alt.talk.creationism 30 0k 3k
alt.true-crime 30 0k 2k
alt.comp.hardware 30 0k 0k
alt.abortion 30 0k 10k
alt.fan.art-bell 30 0k 10k
alt.christnet.theology 30 0k 0k
misc.survivalism 30 0k 0k
alt.christnet.christianlife 30 0k 214k
alt.callahans 30 0k 2k
alt.buddha.short.fat.guy 30 0k 50k
rec.martial-arts 30 0k 0k
rec.motorcycles 30 0k 0k
rec.motorcycles.harley 30 0k 10k
alt.books.reviews 30 0k 0k
alt.books.m-lackey 30 0k 3k
soc.culture.belgium 30 0k 0k
can.jobs 30 0k 0k
alt.bio.hackers 30 0k 0k
alt.autos.subaru 30 0k 14k
alt.autos.honda 30 0k 3k
alt.autos.ford 30 0k 0k
alt.clearing.technology 30 0k 0k
alt.anagrams 30 0k 0k
24hoursupport.helpdesk 30 0k 0k
alt.algebra.help 30 0k 0k
alt.agnosticism 30 0k 2k
talk.politics.misc 30 0k 57k
alt.prophecies.nostradamus 30 0k 4k
alt.suicide.holiday 30 0k 0k
alt.activism.death-penalty 30 0k 0k
linux.kernel 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.ads 30 0k 86k
alt.bbs.allsysop 30 0k 10k
alt.bbs 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.doors 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.doors.lord 30 0k 4k
alt.bbs.elebbs 30 0k 4k
alt.bbs.general 30 0k 4k
alt.bbs.iniquity 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.internet 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.list 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.lists 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.majorbbs 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.misc 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.pcboard 30 0k 0k
alt.free.newsservers 30 0k 0k
alt.society.liberalism 30 0k 4k
alt.bbs.wildcat 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.wildcat.wccode 30 0k 0k
alt.aquaria.tropical.fish.hobbist 30 0k 0k
alt.battlestar-galactica 30 0k 0k
alt.business.home 30 0k 0k
alt.business.home.pc 30 0k 0k
alt.genealogy 30 0k 0k
alt.inside-joke 30 0k 0k
alt.sport.baseball 30 0k 0k
alt.tasteless.jokes 30 0k 14k
us.military.army 30 0k 0k
comp.lang.java.programmer 30 0k 13k
alt.gossip.celebrities 30 0k 1k
alt.life.sucks 30 0k 56k
comp.sys.apple2.marketplace 30 0k 0k
rec.aquaria 30 0k 0k
rec.aquaria.marine.reefs 30 0k 0k
rec.autos.sport.nascar 30 0k 0k
rec.collecting.coins 30 0k 0k
alt.california 30 0k 4k
rec.humor 30 0k 0k
Top 163 groups sorted by kbytes received since startup
Group NRead KBytes-Read
alt.atheism 208 160k 12410k
uk.d-i-y 959 911k 12157k
alt.usage.english 753 838k 11769k
rec.arts.tv 2970 3144k 11489k
rec.food.cooking 4176 3484k 10009k
fr.soc.politique 2630 1643k 6117k
alt.fan.rush-limbaugh 224 128k 2880k
alt.usenet.kooks 574 392k 2229k
rec.sport.pro-wrestling 54 10k 1833k
rec.gambling.poker 73 33k 1248k
uk.legal 68 30k 1214k
talk.politics.guns 503 407k 1202k
alt.home.repair 79 37k 1080k
rec.sport.tennis 58 31k 1003k
sci.physics 56 17k 879k
alt.happy.valley 42 13k 823k
rec.woodworking 36 4k 689k
rec.boats 35 3k 573k
uk.rec.motorcycles 59 15k 573k
talk.origins 35 3k 522k
sci.physics.relativity 73 36k 519k
aus.politics 33 1k 511k
alt.humor.puns 77 31k 467k
sci.electronics.design 47 17k 454k
alt.conspiracy 44 0k 450k
uk.railway 79 40k 348k
alt.support.depression 69 5k 298k
rec.arts.sf.written 37 8k 294k
aus.cars 37 5k 282k
alt.messianic 31 1k 278k
soc.retirement 41 7k 264k
rec.photo.digital 48 23k 249k
rec.sport.soccer 35 4k 231k
alt.christnet.christianlife 30 0k 214k
rec.games.pinball 43 6k 185k
rec.outdoors.rv-travel 34 2k 167k
alt.assassination.jfk 36 6k 160k
rec.arts.drwho 32 1k 159k
alt.appalachian 32 1k 153k
soc.history.what-if 37 9k 148k
sci.military.naval 34 4k 145k
rec.sport.football.college 42 7k 144k
uk.politics.misc 47 18k 117k
fa.linux.kernel 62 30k 113k
alt.support.diabetes 31 1k 89k
alt.bbs.ads 30 0k 86k
alt.slack 44 8k 78k
alt.astronomy 34 2k 73k
alt.comp.freeware 38 3k 73k
alt.baldspot 36 5k 71k
alt.bible.prophecy 33 2k 69k
rec.crafts.metalworking 39 10k 68k
alt.books.louis-lamour 39 9k 66k
alt.2600 31 0k 66k
alt.sysadmin.recovery 35 3k 64k
alt.revisionism 46 10k 63k
alt.politics 74 15k 61k
alt.fifty-plus.friends 35 5k 61k
rec.arts.sf.fandom 37 9k 58k
talk.politics.misc 30 0k 57k
alt.life.sucks 30 0k 56k
can.politics 31 1k 50k
alt.buddha.short.fat.guy 30 0k 50k
comp.lang.javascript 35 6k 48k
alt.arts.poetry.comments 44 5k 41k
alt.obituaries 37 5k 41k
misc.health.alternative 35 4k 38k
aus.tv 37 8k 33k
fr.rec.moto 45 4k 31k
fr.rec.photo 36 3k 26k
alt.bbs.mystic 31 0k 24k
uk.rec.cycling 36 3k 20k
ba.broadcast 35 4k 18k
alt.guitar 31 1k 17k
alt.tasteless.jokes 30 0k 14k
alt.autos.subaru 30 0k 14k
comp.lang.java.programmer 30 0k 13k
alt.smokers.pipes 33 1k 11k
alt.bbs.allsysop 30 0k 10k
rec.motorcycles.harley 30 0k 10k
alt.abortion 30 0k 10k
alt.fan.art-bell 30 0k 10k
alt.cellular.verizon 32 0k 10k
alt.bread.recipes 31 1k 7k
comp.sys.apple2 31 1k 7k
alt.christnet.prayer 32 0k 6k
soc.culture.usa 31 1k 5k
alt.airports.uk.edinburgh 31 0k 5k
alt.smokers.cigars 33 1k 5k
alt.computer 31 2k 5k
alt.california 30 0k 4k
alt.prophecies.nostradamus 30 0k 4k
alt.bbs.general 30 0k 4k
alt.bbs.doors.lord 30 0k 4k
alt.bbs.elebbs 30 0k 4k
alt.philosophy 31 0k 4k
rec.guns 32 2k 4k
alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt 30 0k 4k
alt.society.liberalism 30 0k 4k
alt.talk.creationism 30 0k 3k
alt.autos.honda 30 0k 3k
alt.books.m-lackey 30 0k 3k
alt.politics.usa 30 0k 3k
alt.callahans 30 0k 2k
alt.true-crime 30 0k 2k
alt.guitar.amps 30 0k 2k
alt.agnosticism 30 0k 2k
soc.culture.quebec 30 0k 2k
comp.emulators.apple2 31 0k 2k
alt.gossip.celebrities 30 0k 1k
alt.comp.anti-virus 31 0k 1k
alt.autos.toyota 30 0k 0k
alt.bio.hackers 30 0k 0k
rec.motorcycles 30 0k 0k
rec.martial-arts 30 0k 0k
alt.autos.ford 30 0k 0k
alt.clearing.technology 30 0k 0k
alt.anagrams 30 0k 0k
24hoursupport.helpdesk 30 0k 0k
alt.algebra.help 30 0k 0k
misc.survivalism 30 0k 0k
alt.christnet.theology 30 0k 0k
alt.comp.hardware 30 0k 0k
alt.suicide.holiday 30 0k 0k
alt.activism.death-penalty 30 0k 0k
linux.kernel 30 0k 0k
alt.rush-limbaugh 30 0k 0k
alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.doors 30 0k 0k
alt.religion.christian 30 0k 0k
soc.culture.belgium 30 0k 0k
can.jobs 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.iniquity 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.internet 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.list 30 0k 0k
alt.books.reviews 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.majorbbs 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.misc 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.pcboard 30 0k 0k
alt.free.newsservers 30 0k 0k
alt.marketplace 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.wildcat 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.wildcat.wccode 30 0k 0k
alt.aquaria.tropical.fish.hobbist 30 0k 0k
alt.battlestar-galactica 30 0k 0k
alt.business.home 30 0k 0k
alt.business.home.pc 30 0k 0k
alt.genealogy 30 0k 0k
alt.inside-joke 30 0k 0k
alt.sport.baseball 30 0k 0k
alt.forsale 30 0k 0k
us.military.army 30 0k 0k
alt.pro-wrestling.wwf 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.lists 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.sysop 32 0k 0k
comp.sys.apple2.marketplace 30 0k 0k
rec.aquaria 30 0k 0k
rec.aquaria.marine.reefs 30 0k 0k
rec.autos.sport.nascar 30 0k 0k
rec.collecting.coins 30 0k 0k
alt.bbs.renegade 34 1k 0k
rec.humor 30 0k 0k
281 Completed
205 closing connection - goodbye!
... But soft, what light through yonder tagline breaks?
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