From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: Melkor
Re: QWK Networks.
By: Melkor to All on Sun Oct 04 2020 05:38 pm
Is there anything that could be on the hubs end of a QWK network that would keep the newscan pointers from updating? Asking because in one of the nets Im in all is fine except 8 or 9 message areas. Everytime I log in and do a new message scan those areas start at 1 and I go to the last message and then next log in same thing.
Sure, it's possible. Is the hub running Synchronet, if so, what version? In any case, the first thing I would try as a user would be to reset the pointers on those message areas that are being a problem - set them to the most recent message manually. In Synchronet, this would be the 'P' command from the QWK prompt or you can do it remotely via messaging:
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